I decided to create a series inspired by Youtuber Cartoonlord
P.S: I just suddenly remembered about this Youtuber and found their series interesting wayy back then.
The series is simple, choose a path in the following order: Danger, Power, Growth, and Safety.
Choose one of these paths in order to get a power, at the end of the series you'll use all these chosen abiliites in order to deal with the end-game villain. The end-game villain will be similar to @NineSix96 post so choose wisely!
Now let the games begin!
If you chose Danger then you get the randomized power from the category: Page Needs Work. This category is in Danger because it doesn't gaurantee safety and gives you a power that'll very likely not be in your aid.
If you chose the path of Power then you get the randomized power from the category: Mind Based Powers. This category is in Power due to the fact that any category that has "Powers" in it will be set here.
If you chose Growth then you get the randomized power from: Transmutation. This category is in Growth due to the fact that you will need to grow in technique in order to utilize this power to is efficiency.
If you chose the path of Safety then you get the randomized power from: Defensive Abilities. This category is in Safety because... Well is it not safety based?
Your goal is to defeat the villain as stated earlier. You'll be given not just powers but also companions and items. If you fail then that just means another special post.