@AzQth If a human suddenly gains Almighty Mind, how terrifying would it be for them and everyone else?
@AzQth If a human suddenly gains Almighty Mind, how terrifying would it be for them and everyone else?
@Necropolis00 Well, in this sort of context (a person trying to control their own mind), there is little reason to distinguish between a person and their mind. After all, all conscious thought, effort, etc, originates within the mind, so any effort by a person to control their own mind is fundamentally their mind trying to control itself. In the case of a user of Almighty Mind, their mind can do anything, so by definition, it can control itself.
This is a bit of a tangent, but it may even be one of the first things they notice after gaining the power - maybe they have an intrusive thought, try to make it go away and it does. Other things that might be easily noticed could occur when trying to recall something (information, memories, etc), perform mental maths, imagine something (since they would suddenly be able to do it in perfect detail), etc. Basically, I imagine that it would be unlikely for a normal person to gain Almighty Mind without knowing and find out because they tried to affect the external world with their mind. It's far more likely that their first sign of the power would be something internal to their mind.
@AzQth I see. Could consequences arise from them having a mind capable of doing anything?
@Necropolis00 What sort of consequences? Consequences for them, consequences for everyone else, or something else entirely?
@AzQth Consequences for them and everyone else.
Sorry, kind of forgot about this 😅 things slip my mind embarrassingly easily.
For them, there likely wouldn't be many consequences. Well, internally, at least, since their mind would necessarily be able to handle anything to do with its power, and anything that happens to their body as a result (not sure what that would be though) can be easily fixed. I guess they might start using their power in day to day life and trivialise all problems, which could cause a lack of a sense of purpose? But again, that could be easily fixed with Almighty Mind.
Externally, if other people find out about the power, they might become scared of the user, or start blaming them for the world's problems since it is entirely possible that they could have caused them and there are definitely people for whom that would be reason enough to shunt the blame onto them. And in any case, there would be other people blaming the user for not solving all the world's problems now that they have the power to do so.
And in general for others, aside from the existential panic and other things already mentioned in earlier replies, the consequences will mostly be if the user starts to abuse their power, in which case the consequences could be vast and devastating because it's someone who can literally do anything.
@AzQth It's cool, my friend! Same here. I forget things all too easily. 😅
Would the user's emotions affect their Almighty Mind? Say for example that they had a bad day. Is it possible that they accidentally take out their frustrations on the world around them? I do not think Almighty Mind inherently gives you self-control like Absolute Will and Autopotence does. I could be wrong, though. I see it as being dangerous in the hands of a human. Psycho Warping is terrifying because of the fact that humans can not control their mind, which does not bode well if one controls reality through their mind. Now picture that on the scale of Almighty Mind. You'd essentially end up with an Unstable God.
Hmm... if a human has an Omnipotent Mind, would they still be human or become an Omnipotent Being?
Well, that depends entirely on them
@Abdalla1234 Can you elaborate, my friend?
Well, for the first question, I would have to say maybe, since emotions and the like are rooted in the mind, so it wouldn't be entirely unreasonable for them to cause things to happen due to the mind feeling them being capable of anything. However, the real question is whether that even matters beyond an extent the user allows for; the user's mind can necessarily control its own emotions or prevent its emotions from affecting it. After all, an Almighty Mind is one that can do anything.
As for the second question, this depends on if we take an 'Omnipotent Mind' to necessarily include all the qualities of Omnipotence within itself. If so, then it's likely that they would essentially be an omnipotent being - their mind would be all-powerful, Omniscient, Omnipresent, transcendent, all-encompassing, etc. Though how this would be different from just Omnipotence, I'm not entirely sure.
In any case, Almighty Mind, if we take it exactly as it is defined on the page, is "the state of possessing a mind that can do anything", which doesn't inherently demand possessing all the qualities of Omnipotence. If anything, it's more like mental Metapotence.
What do you think?