86 Votes in Poll
Ok hear me out. With food generation, I can literally eat anything I want and never starve again
Honestly, that was a close second
If food is substance which you can eat/digest then there can be a lot of things.
If some entity feed of life-force of others then can i create more life-force bc this is a food for that entity.
I still choose Dragon morphing
@Jasonso9 can you be a dragon taxi and give a flight to some place for good quality steak?
Absolute Weapon Proficiency — Absolute Powers doesn't need to abide by any Rules, Physics etc except those imposed by the True Omnipotent.
[Food Generation] I don't care what yall think
Absolute weapon proficiency, I'm winning fights with droplets of water.
Megaton equivalent is not small effect.
Absolute Weapon Proficiency
What do you think?