@Prism Perfected form. thats alright, if you can’t list any then you could only list a few thing, although your first comment is an ok answer, this is just a question, it’s not a test.
One of the things I would do is revert time back to a certain point.
Completely stopped the aging process of myself once I reach 21 years old again.
Find a way to train myself so that I can have absolute control over time so that I can use meta-event manipulation and completely change myself into what I prefer
Probably go into several moments in history and create alternate versions of certain historical moments in history.
Since time travel (at least in quantum theory) doesn’t affect actual history of our own reality, this would lead to infinite probabilities of what happened afterwards to splinter off that alternate event, which would lead to the creation of similar infinite parallel realities to our own universe, with history happening just the slightest bit different, but enough to have a big impact on the world around us.
I wouldn’t time travel directly (at least, not with all of them), I would mostly use a sort of mental time travel to influence the minds of certain people in the past.
Examples of events I would change:
Prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln & J.F. Kennedy, just to see what kind of history would happen if certain presidents survived their assassinations and what kind of country they would build?
Make sure Adolf Hitler stayed in art school, we could probably live in a better world without World War II and its holocaust!
Give the Native Americans the tools and weapons needed to not be conquered by european colonization.
Prevent the white men from enslaving the Africans!
Convince early modern civilizations (mostly European and American countries) to accept Ls, Gs, Bs, Ts, Qs and +s with equal rights and sexual and romantic freedoms for people of all genders and sexes.
Warn the Israelite dream profit Joseph to not bring the Israelites to Eygpt, as latter pharaohs will walk all over them, treating them as slaves.
Tell Adam that he should treat his first wife Lilith fairly as an equal and warn Eve to not eat the forbidden fruit and pray to God to exorcize the demon possessing the snake.
Give Advanced iPhone technology to Nikola Tesla to give him a technological edge over pretentious credit stealing @$$hat, Thomas Edison.
Convince the supreme deity of the universe to never create Hell and ask him to consider an alternative solution, maybe reincarnation or conditionalism
Convince Sony (Spider-Man, Ghost Rider & MIB film right-holders), 20th Century Fox (X-Men & Fantastic Four film right-holders), TimeWarner (Blade film right-holders) and the Walt Disney Company (owns the Marvel entertainment company as a subsidiary company; avengers movie rights) to merge into one company around the time that phase one of the MCU was happening.
Make sure the Ken Penders and Mrs. Pac-Man Lawsuits never happen.
Travel 10 years into the future of all of the Alternate Timelines I Created and give the citizens of those parallel realities the technology needed to travel the multiverse.
Glimpse the alternative futures. Stop my aging process.
I'd probably stop my aging process and travel to the past and future to learn everything that I can. I want to see the beginning and end of the universe, but I'm not sure if I can survive such events, even with Advanced Time Manipulation.
Imma become immortal and then stop time. While time is stopped, I would endlessly train my power and mess with many stuff like probability and past/present/future manipulation to get more versatile and OP powers until I am confident that I am omnipotent. Other than that, I would travel to the future to see how it looks like and how we advanced and see what became of anime. Imma also go to middle ages and experience life there and mess around a lot there as well since they are all from the past
I'll just create checkpoints within certain periods of my lifespan whenever I get into an accident so I can just respawn.
So many things, you literally have access to infinite things but I’d start by learning yo master my powers first (before I mess something up) then start making changes to time & see what happens.
I could finally fix the mistakes of the past
What do you think?