Basically, I had realised that there a bunch of abilities that would be extremely op if utilised with other abilities such as mind reading and blood manipulation, no one could attack you since you would be able to sense their thoughts and then freeze them and/or give them a heart attack.
What do you think would be an op arsenal of abilities, to make it fair you are not allowed to use any ability in the almighty or absolute categories and any of the categories within those categories except for manipulations so you can better use the more obscure abilities and you are allowed to use 2-5 abilities in your arsenal.
@Abdalla1234 @BlackSupergenius @Necropolis00 @Neosaiyan7 @MastroniBBG @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @TheDevil7777 @AzQth @Idolsama @AshAndrewFlame @Cosmic Swimmer @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Prism Perfected form. @Murphy'sLawReallySucks @NineSix96 @Atomicola48 @Jacquese Walker @Definitelynotrichardthewild @LimittlesRealm @SolarTheDude @Tiga8472 @Keefdreewill @Mr Idk543 @DHZ3 @Heartless Frost @Heartz13 @Captain Slumber @Bathala-Maykapal @FeRNdawg626 @Orbit Newflavor @2964artworld @SuperPimp80 @WhoswhoIsItYou? @TheNerdEternal1 @Metapotentboy1209 @AdamSandler420 @Wayne Bender @Deshawnm Jones @Wizard King 1224 @Gamefame 2014 @BlackBatman90 @Yoyoforce @Leona The 7th @Statz02 @GoldenPizza17 @Agent Facultas @Selkyc @Kal-Karot @Kyrios Neo @Secondheroz @Mr.Interest