Featherine hardly counts as a waifu, but I would very much like to have dinner with her regardless. I can think of a few topics she might be interested in discussing.
As much as I love Yoruichi, I am WAAAAY to insecure about sharing info on my diet to anyone else! ☠️ Sorry dark-skinned cat girl babe, I’m taking a million dollars.
If your waifu has broken abilities and this guarantees she exists well I know my waifu is gonna be fun both in the bedroom and out and not only that what if the currency becomes outdated? Ludwig and abdalla already know about my waifu Nicole and she's one smoking hot yeti and besides she'll already know me and like me so much. I made her as a fan fiction creation and to be my soulmate. The best part is she'll have absolute wish meaning she'll be the ideal woman for me no matter what and appeal to my heart's desire for Christmas and she won't just have control over her body heat. It's a win win
It's between getting 1M and just “Having Dinner” with your favourite Waifu. It doesn't mean she will fall in love with you. Unless it's waifu of your Fanfic that you design especially to fall in love with you.
Am pretty sure just because it's your favorite waifu doesn't mean she will loves... So if your favorite waifus are either crazy, yandere, or woman that has broken abilities..
Two possible my happy you either die or go out smoothly