Agēns lived in a page world where the Superpower was not an individual but a concept that influenced everyone within. Every man, woman, and animal has a shadow that lives alongside them. No one was born alone, and the darkness was something not to be feared but to love... however...
When Agēns entered, his shadow became alive and left him right before he found the Random Page Portal, thanks to the locals. Because he was incomplete, the portal rejected him. Now, he was chasing his shadow self.
Shadow Agēns: "Hahahaha!"
Agēns: "Wait! We got to go! Fanon:Dark Oxygen Manipulation needs us!"
Shadow Agēns: "Hahahaha!"
Shadow Agēns threw a communicator and then a flashlight at his original counterpart. Agēns countered by whipping it with a rope that manifested from his hand. Shadow Agēns only laughed as it vanished into a dark alley.
Agēns: "What!"
Agēns entered the alley and was greeted by a gaggle of laughter from not just his shadow. This was the alley of rogue shadows, ruffians, and thugs who like to pick on casters, people who cast shadows. The darkness dispersed into a large group of shadows ganging on him. Agēns pulled out his ultimate weapon, his flashlight, and blasted them all with light. All the shadows fled while Shadow Agēns cowered in fear.
Agēns: "Huff...huff...Now, come with me."
Bah: "I was about to tell that to you."
Bah was behind Agēns and knocked his flashlight out of his hand. Before Agēns could pull something else out, Bah blasted him with his special laser that nullified his powers. As an extra precaution, Bah used its wings to form tendrils that plunged into Agēns's body and violently ripped away any other items in his body.
Agēns: "AAAAH!"
Agēns lay on the ground, crying from being unceremoniously cleaned out. Bah began to drag him into a Search Portal before Shadow Agēns tossed his Water Bottle at Bah. It once again short-circuit and let Agēns go.
Shadow Agēns: "Hahahaha! Pbbbbt!"
The shadow grabbed his caster counterpart and dashed away. Agēns weakly tried to reach out for any of his items, but it was useless. Bah recovered and chased them.
Shadow Agēns: "Ahhh!"
The shadow ran even faster and was close to the Random Page Portal before being shot by Bah's laser. Its effect began to reunite both halves. In his last moments of independence, Shadow Agēns cried out for help. Soon, many rogue shadows attacked Bah and tossed Agēns into the portal. Bah easily warded off the shadows with one giant laser blast. It went into a Search Portal to try to find its target again.
To Be Continued...