Would you rather have straight-up Omnipotence or a specialized version (Omnipotence Derivatives)?
@Abdalla1234 You okay?
@Necropolis00 just a bit tired. Thanks for asking
@Abdalla1234 You're welcome, my friend. Do you need to take time to yourself or rest?
@Necropolis00 honestly speaking, the superpower wiki takes a huge chunk of my time ever since school began. But I know my mind won't be able to rest without checking the wiki. I'm too into it to quit
@Abdalla1234 You don't have to quit, just take a break to allow yourself to rest up and recharge.
Yeah, the pain of actually having to manage my time is immense.
@FeRNdawg626 How so?
Nah I can't. It's too much for me
Imagine the most annoying image of a kid snivelling and screaming "but I don't waannnaaa" and that's how it feels.
@Abdalla1234 At least take an hour long break or something. Go watch some anime. XD
What do you think?