66 Votes in Poll
Every science fan say that
@Abdalla1234 You're welcome. @Heartz13 Magic isn't always a different thing. Sometimes it is science not yet understood by us. Think about it. People back during the 1900's and earlier would say that cell phones are magic! Talking to people all around the world in an instant and being able to access vast amounts of information using Google is normal everyday life for us, which we achieved through science, but back then, it would be called magic or witchcraft.
@Heartz13 This is why I often struggle to imagine science powers, especially those on the level of Scientiapotence - 'science' isn't some abstract force, science is a form of study into the world around us. The exact definition is "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment". Among other things, this would suggest that the study of magic is itself a form of science (unless, maybe, magic isn't considered a part of the physical or natural world. But I feel like, even then, an argument could be made for the study of magic to be a science).
@Abdalla1234 I'm a fan of both, but realistically, what are magic and science basically?
Starting with science, it seems that people misunderstand one thing, science is not a power, but rather a study of things, of reality, of physics, so if magic were real, there could be a science of magic, that is, a study more in-depth of magic than what is seen in works of fiction.
And speaking of magic, what specifically would they be? I talked about the science of magic above, and what would it be like? Simple, it would be like our real science, studying magic at a molecular level, seeing which molecules form magic and make it happen, and how they do it, just like in real life, particles, molecules, atoms, form everything we know, from simple dust, to even life, think that you are made up of thousands and thousands of these particles, that the way they move determines your entire being, so, if you think about what it would be like if magic If it actually existed, it would most likely be no different.
So, let's say that magic existed since the beginning of humanity, when humanity eventually reached the same level of science and technology that we currently have, eventually several people would appear to discover more about magic than just studying enchantments or similar.
@Necropolis00 I even remembered Arthur C. Clarke's quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
@AzQth Hey, responding at almost the same time as me, what perfect time is this? HAHAHAHAHAHA
@AzQth I view Scientiapotence as the user seeing everything as a form of science that they can control however they please. Think of the user as Dr. Manhattan but actually omnipotent. He saw magic as discarded scraps of creation or something along those lines, thus allowing him to manhandle magic users.
I think, because I do struggle to imagine Scientiapotence due to how undefined science is at that level, as long as we're taking the powers at an equal level, I would take Subjective Reality. While I would likely never fully remove the boundary between fantasy and reality, I could still bring literally any fantasy perfectly into reality while maintaining that boundary on the whole.
@Animus infinitus That is an excellent quote! Also, I agree with your argument.
@AzQth That's fair!
What do you think?