If I was about be a freshman in high school and I was 6’5 with an excellent physique and I the glow of the guy in the image below
Plus as a added bonus I’ll have absolute beauty as well + I was a football standout
How would My Freshman Year and my entire high school experience go?
How much attention will get ?
@Theblackestgod @BlackBatman90 @BlackSupergenius @BlackSupergenius II @Omni-Defiance @TheDevil7777 @Mortal Reminder616 @Cosmic Swimmer @Abdalla1234 @Necropolis00 @AzQth @AdamSandler420 @Ogtea @SuperPimp80 @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @WhoswhoIsItYou? @Prism Perfected form. @Neosaiyan7 @Heartless Frost @Izumi023 @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Rulefiji @AdriánPalacios20 @Temporal (Zen-El) @IamADoor @Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus @Timetravler7 @Keefdreewill