98 Votes in Poll
Imma go with energy since yo would be able o shape it and apply it to many things (like how chi, mana and life force are turned to spells )
Definitely Omni element manipulation. There is water for breathing underwater, getting a drink, putting out fires, watering your yard, etc. There’s fire for heating things up, burning things or burning living creatures away for self-defense, to see in dark areas, etc. there is lightning to charge up any electronics you may have or as a back up generator for your house during a storm that knocks out your power. there is earth for manipulating walkways, saving people from places that they get stuck in.
Everything is made up of energy our entire universe is energy including matter so I would go with Omni energy
I suppose you could say that. but technically, you could say the same thing with the other option. And that manipulating elements normally can expand to manipulating energy as well since energy is (although not the typical classic ones) could be considered a type of element but I digress
I really love powers that are not only overpowered, but also versatile🔥
Each element has an energy counterpart, so omni-energy manipulation can also manipulate the essence of any given element. It's simply far more varied.
What do you mean by varied?
There are simply far more types of energies that you can manipulate, than there are elements to manipulate. And to begin with, every element has an energy that can be manipulated, so omni-energy manipulation would also allow the user to tap into any of the myriad energies of the elements under the scope of omni-element manipulation. As well as all of the other mundane and esoteric energies that exist.
From what I looked up, the amount of each is even/comparable with each other. So I guess it really just depends on one’s preference. Also, manipulating elements normally can expand to manipulating energy as well since energy is (although not the typical classic ones) could be considered a type of element
I think it depends of preference. Both have every type of their respective power. Example, Omni-element Manipulation has Fantasy Element Manipulation. Omni energy manipulation has the exact same but with Fictional Energy Manipulation
What do you think?