Do you want Metapotence through Magic or your Voice?
Neither I want it through my lungs imagining breathing and the universe just ends.
@LimittlesRealm Isn't Arcanepotence easier to use because you can simply desire something or cast through many different ways and it happens? Supreme Voice is great, of course! After all, it's YOUR voice that's omnipotent.
@Abdalla1234 I knew you would! XD
@BlackBatman90 I'd like to see someone who has omnipotent lungs!
Like their lungs could literally be a black hole just sucking everything up (pause)
@BlackBatman90 I'd pay to watch that!
Me to too.
@BlackBatman90 What would you do with omnipotent lungs?
Smoke with fear of lung cancer
I guess that's one way to use it!
What do you think?