165 Votes in Poll
Well, not equally, but Eddie now has redeem himself and has shown to respect and have an interest of taking care of other symbiotes. I guess that's what happens when cancer can affect a person.
Well, Eddie is the King in Black now, though I still didn't get if he fought Knull for the symbiotes or for his son.
If they’re chill enough, we can stop crime and I can survive without getting my brain eaten by eating one peanut a day
Forgot where I got this image but it’s crazy that Eddie Brock is using chocolate when he could just eat a peanut or two
I know Eddie Brock's side of the story in the new run but not Dylan's, since I haven't been reading it. There can only be 1 king in black, that's what Eventuality is, so after defeating Knull and I assumed either the symbiotes picked or Eddie Brock decided to be the new King in Black. Although Dylan himself is still special, other than being a hybrid, from theorising, because he not part of the hive, and was shown in King in Black to rival Knull's control over symbiotes, he capable to remove others from the hive, becoming free from any king in black's control, plus I heard he was able to gain all-black. But I would say what happened to Knull, after being destroyed by Captain Universe, he attempted to control Dylan and use him as a vessel, since it was his physical from not his consciousness, so Eddie Brock completely destroyed Knull in result, and I think he did something to Dylan, but much hasn't changed since he still a hybrid.
The Kings in Black themselves are interesting itself, the fact they can be temporal paradoxes and yet be part of a route to lead into Eventuality shows the type of unique beings they are.
Which symbiote do you like best the black one or the red one?
@TheDoritoKing48 I eat peanut butter, mixed nuts and dark chocolate all the time. I’m good than plus I’m cool with checking the register sex-offender’s list for human brains once in awhile. Fuck those pedophiles
@Joshua Yates I like the black one, it's more simple though my favorite color is red.
@Neosaiyan7 yeah the King in Black is the opposite of the Enigma Force (Captain Universe) and both are necessary in the universe.
If you are interested in that, I suggest you check out this link to look at a story that isn't in physical print but only in digital.
Venom and Morbius need their own television series
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