I hadn't thought about Author Authority's downsides due to the sheer power-level and transcendence of the power drawing all the attention (one of the few powers making you effectively Omnipotent in a very relatable way), but it's true that the immeasurable gap between you and everyone else may eventually be experienced as a great loneliness if you're not really into godhood and desire more genuine/horizontal relationships.
I suppose you could just "write it off" from your mind and never be bothered again, but it's the kind of transcendent shortcut that we as humans cannot empathize with, making it not that much of a solution.
Fictional Lordship definitely sounds like immense fun, in an even more relatable way than Autority Authority, since it is centered on the perspective of readers rather than writers, capitalizing on the myriad fictional wonders already created instead of having to create it all yourself ^ ^
Couldn't Arcanepotence fix all the damage caused during emotional powers as soon as you calm down and get a hold of yourself ? Though it wouldn't change the fact that it did happen, and being very emotionally inclined I imagine the user would carry a real guilt for having failed/hurt their creations. They may allow them to remember what happened as penance for the wrongs done, and perhaps even submit to the judgment of their creations, accepting their sentence with great dignity and humility, walking a more human path from there on and learning to be a better person, both for their sake and their creations'.
Man, I sense great storytelling potential here ^ ^