Between the three of these, which would you rather have: Arcanepotence, Autopotence, or Omniarch? Why did you choose this option, and what shall you do with it?
Between the three of these, which would you rather have: Arcanepotence, Autopotence, or Omniarch? Why did you choose this option, and what shall you do with it?
Arcanepotence, cause I love magic. I would heal my family and I, optimize our health to Peak performance. Heal the world. Grant my family eternal youth and regeneration. Establish a a book of magic mastery that chosen disciples can use to become mages. Give everyone here individual magic powers unique to them. Create a forever home for my family. So much more.
Imma choose Autopotence (I was torn between that and Arcanepotence). For what I'll do, I want to go to The Apothecary Diaries anime
I have NO PLANS whatsoever. I have absolutely no idea how I should even start to approach the verse and the characters. The anime is too damn good that I don't even want to ruin it and interfere. I really have to wreck my brain for this one. But I still want to go there. The anime is way too freaking good that even if I have no plans and just wandering around, I wanna be in it.
Omni-arch only because of paradise lordship! Like I mean it appeals to me so much .
Autopotence since I can absolutely be all powerful within myself, I could gain Arcanepotence and rule over everything by simply changing my status and influencing myself! :)
Arcanepotence - I hate the unreliability and discord of magic. I'd rather have Anti-arcanepotence (Omnipotent level Anti-Magic.
Omniarch - Maybe?
Autopotence - Sure I could give myself meta teleportation and power bestowal, maybe Hyperpotence (Lesser form of metapotence)?
What do you think?