Between the three of these, which would you rather have: Arcanepotence, Autopotence, or Omniarch? Why did you choose this option, and what shall you do with it?
Between the three of these, which would you rather have: Arcanepotence, Autopotence, or Omniarch? Why did you choose this option, and what shall you do with it?
Arcanepotence, cause I love magic. I would heal my family and I, optimize our health to Peak performance. Heal the world. Grant my family eternal youth and regeneration. Establish a a book of magic mastery that chosen disciples can use to become mages. Give everyone here individual magic powers unique to them. Create a forever home for my family. So much more.
Imma choose Autopotence (I was torn between that and Arcanepotence). For what I'll do, I want to go to The Apothecary Diaries anime
I have NO PLANS whatsoever. I have absolutely no idea how I should even start to approach the verse and the characters. The anime is too damn good that I don't even want to ruin it and interfere. I really have to wreck my brain for this one. But I still want to go there. The anime is way too freaking good that even if I have no plans and just wandering around, I wanna be in it.
Omni-arch only because of paradise lordship! Like I mean it appeals to me so much .
Autopotence since I can absolutely be all powerful within myself, I could gain Arcanepotence and rule over everything by simply changing my status and influencing myself! :)
Arcanepotence - I hate the unreliability and discord of magic. I'd rather have Anti-arcanepotence (Omnipotent level Anti-Magic.
Omniarch - Maybe?
Autopotence - Sure I could give myself meta teleportation and power bestowal, maybe Hyperpotence (Lesser form of metapotence)?
@235x0 What is Hyperpotence? I also do not see how magic is unreliable and chaotic.
Y'all have interesting answers! Autopotence is in the lead!
@TheDevil7777 You really want to rule paradise, eh?
@Necropolis00 Metapotence is the power to do anything, Nigh-metapotence is the power to do almost anything,
So I guess Hyperpotence would be the power to do most things but not almost anything.
And as for the magic I just feel like magic isn't as reliable as science or other supernatural abilities because magic doesn't have any solid rules, science has well defined rules and limits, magic does not, so I consider magic to be the most chaotic form of supernatural power.
What do you think?