67 Votes in Poll
Limitless realm .
Author because I'm a very creative person!
@LimittlesRealm you’re writing a novel about an Omniarch ?
Omniarch would be amazing but to me it won't matter what kind of Omni unless it's the unity one don't like it
As long as I am omnipotent and know that I am omnipotent am good
@Godking25 i feel you on that. With that level of power everyone you love is safe & all threats can be taken care of.
No I not write.
I read novel (the king of the worlds )
And fanfic (kingly adventures)
Where concept of omniarch development is seen by naked eye.
Main character race named "king"
Entity born with own domain world that must be developed by consume parts of existence in own domain.
King and his domain is in symbiotic relationship. Until his domain exist , king is immortal and until king is live domain can be restored and developed.
King have power to open gates to any world in totality and beyond, he have own unique eyes with "supreme observation" that help him find new worlds and perceive powerful beings that he must avoid.
King can produce own unique energy that have ability mimicry of any other energy .
Every king born with unique abilities that develop with grow of his domain .
It can be shapeshifting , plot character mimicry, super stealth, super adaptation.- it can be anything that help king survive.
Kings have vast scale of power but author show only 3 big stages and show that there exist more powerful stages bit not disribe them.
Planet level 1-9 - moon level 1-6 - star level 1-3
Planet level is power that can easily destroy planet on 9 level .
Moon level is when you can create planet and manipulate moon energy(cosmic energy variant up unique for kings).
Star level is when domain of king compared with galaxy or more . It shines like bright star in totality. On that level of power king upgrade own king energy to star/solar energy (energy that can warp reality unique to kings)
From that level king can attack multiverses or beyond . Freely move in totality without help of his domain.
All conquered worlds or it's parts in king domain and territories permanently produce king energy (like spirit bomb in DBZ but passively) that king can utilize.
Also all people from different absorbed worlds can learn powers without any restrictions , technology too .
When king consume part or she world it can directly replicate concept of power system in that world and freely bestow it in own world , all knowledge also included .
If people want they can get sharingann , or learn haki or learn ki from dragon ball or become arrancar from bleach or soul reaper. Same with king .
Fun fact: if any super powerful entity accept to be subordinate of king , he from that moment can't harm king .
Same mistake make Uchiha Madara when he accepted in search of power but don't know about kings passive authority.
@LimittlesRealm that seems interesting I’m going to give it a read!
It can look bad but concept of power is my fav.
A Dreamer
What do you think?