If you have been affected by this person, write for this post with screenshots
You fucking cringe loser.
Sick bastard
I hope you get testicular torsion😃😃
That's why my grandpa kicked your hero's ass stupid motherfucker
*Cries in nazi*
You know Hitler was gay right bro.
Fucking hate nazis dude.
@LardWad420 go to private
@BlackBatman90 he's a fucking psychopath of shit
Ur goat is goku fodder sit down
I was thinking of making a spinoff movie of the rowdyruff boys meeting daredevil becoming anti heroes for the very first time
I was thinking of making a movie about dipper and Mabel meet punisher and become his sidekicks after leaving gravity Falls to return to California
Joshua what are you rambling about😭(I agree tho that would be fun to watch)
What do you think?