Bender:Able to bend things that you’ve eaten like the avatar. Only things eaten. At least a mouthful.
Walker:Walk/run/jog,jump on anything. Doesn’t mean you have access to everything.
Devourer:Once you eat something your able to turn your body into it. Gaining the attributes of them. Can’t have multiple animals on one body part. Like turning your finger into a tentacle and adding mantis thing on it. Able to do partial transformations like just turning your finger into one or just your muscles or bones. Fanged teeth.
Vampire:You get the normal vampire things. Just the salt things doesn’t work since it’s just because they have to count it.
Charmer:Speaking to people will become easier, you become calmer, other people become less likely to question you. They will be more willing to listen. But just still themselves.
Popper:make things explode or pop within sightline.