79 Votes in Poll
79 Votes in Poll
68 Votes in Poll
82 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll
So while making prt 7 for My "absolute powers as absolute entities series" I encountered a power that I immeadiately fell in love with, a power that would have been so obvious that it should have existed already but we never really given it any thought and yet it is here as a created power and well executed at that, to the point it easily claimed a spot in the tops ranks of my favourite powers list. I am talking none other than Absolute Arts, something so obvious yet brilliant and it even answers our questions to the powers of absolute abilities. As soon as I heard about it ideas immediately flowed into my head thus I would liketo have a serious discussion in the comments as well as a partnership with said owner/creator in order to create powers aligned with it. @Kusarigama
123 Votes in Poll