123 Votes in Poll
123 Votes in Poll
Let's say a Absolute Invincibility user appears and exist, but someone wants to fight this being however they don't need to interact with each other...
My question is can they beat a User of Absolute Invincibility in their dreams? Despite not personally interacting it. Though let's say the Absolute Invincibility is on Omnipotent Scale not only absolute but truly omnipptent.
@AzQth @Abdalla1234 @Neosaiyan7 @TheDevil7777 @Keefdreewill @Heartless Frost @LimittlesRealm @Qwertyuiopasdfghjklçzxcvbnm @Mr.Interest
133 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
It's just something I've been thinking about.
113 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
111 Votes in Poll
154 Votes in Poll
158 Votes in Poll
96 Votes in Poll
70 Votes in Poll
Absolute Wish can have Absolute Invincibility or Perfection if he wants
What would you use it for
How would you use it in your own personal life