@LimittlesRealm Why do you like Absolute Will? I'm genuinely curious!
@LimittlesRealm Why do you like Absolute Will? I'm genuinely curious!
70 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
Say that a user of Absolute Will challenges someone with Omniarch out of pride. Why? Their infinite willpower makes them immune to all forms of control, and that makes them cocky. The cheeky little bastard tells them, "I bow to no one! Every king and so-called god dared to think that they could control me. Can you guess where it got them? Enslaved to my will! You will share the same fate as them, because nobody will ever have authority over me again!" And, as you can expect, the Monarch of Totality takes that personally. What do you think happens next? Be creative and have fun! 😀
I wonder what would happen if a Nigh-Omnipotent user of Omniarch engages in combat against someone with Absolute Will?
YOu have,Transcendent cambion Phsiology,Transcendent Demon Phsiology,Transcendent Human Phsiology,Transscendent Demon Mage,Transcendent Cambion Mage,Arcanepotence,Absolute Spirituality,Eternal Spirit,Absolute İmmortality,Absolute psionics,Absolute fear inducement,Abolute insanity inducement with demonic Form,Absolute Beauty,Absolute Charisma,Dark Power,Absolute darkness,Absolute Absorption,omni negation,Omni manipulation,Absolute contract,Ancient Power,Ultimate Power,Absolute inner world,Absolute wish,Oneiricpotence,Absolute domination,Supreme voice,Supreme divinity,Dark divinity,Anti hero.Absolute condition,Absolute will,Freedom,Origin transcendence,Meta erasure immunity,Omni immunity,Abolute superpower immunity,Divine power immunity,Angelic power immunity,Demonic power immunity,Trancendent slayer,Omnislayer,Absolute Possesion,Fiction lordship ,Necro Power,same level with transcendent lich physiolohy.How powerful you would be ? @TheDevil7777
143 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
79 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
54 Votes in Poll
What would you do with the combination of Absolute Invulnerability and Will?
If you got isekaied to another multiverse and had Absolute Will BUT you don't know you have this, what will you do? How will you survive? Most importantly, are you going to be heroic, villainous, neutral, or just do your own thing?
To me, Absolute Will seems like a combination of Absolute Command and Autopotence. You can make everything work the way you want it to, and your will passively protects you from any and all danger as well as allowing you to change yourself however you intend. What do y'all think? XD
How is Absolute Will the perfected form of Indomitable Will?
42 Votes in Poll
If someone with Absolute Speed fights another person who has Absolute Will, who wins and why?
@AzQth How powerful is someone with Absolute Will and Eternal Soul? What can stop them?