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108 Votes in Poll
Basically looking at Saitamas growth rate compared to other beings in the Dragon Ball series. the biggest thing that I think gives Saitama the edge is that he doesn't need to be damaged or do hard training to grow stronger, unlike Saiyans and most other beings.
Is there any power on here that fits the title accelerating development? with it basically being Accelerated Development but with each instance of development making their development faster and easier, like Accelerating Healing Factor. Accelerated Development makes its user develop fast, but doesn't get any faster, Adaptive Development is insanely fast, but it eventually slows down without a challenge, but accelerating development would just continue getting faster and faster. an example would be if a user developed to x2 their starting point in 1 day, next they can do it in half the time needed only needing 12 hours, then 6 hours, then 3 hours, then 1 hour 30 mins, continuing infinitely.
Saitama would probably fit, with him constantly outclassing his previous self, even tho it took him years to get to that point, even with the amount of effort and time put into developing being less and less.
I got this thought when I made my previous post about endless development possibly developing their own development, making their development rate faster the more they develop.
86 Votes in Poll
Hey, I have a question for you! I have a character that posses vast Ability Creation and Supernatural Potentiality, from which she created a great verity of abilies. Her primary power she was born with is Freedom and I'll ask you is there any way for her Fredom to be the source of Supernatural Potential? Is there any way Freedom can expand users' growth capacity? I think Living Anomaly somehow can do this, maybe you have more ideas? I will be glad to read them! All thoughts appreciated!
136 Votes in Poll