As a ''sequel'' to a previous post, here's for those that chose to become a God of Death. After the Gods replace the Titans as the new cosmic lords (Who inherited the title by the Primordials, also known as ''Protogenoi''), you'll be able to redesign the process of death, as before the God-Titan War, everyone reincarnated randomly regardless of their actions in life. Also, even if you somehow died, this realm will not disappear along with you, like a book doesn't disappear when its author dies.
What type of afterlife will you create? The classic Heaven and Hell? Several realms of reincarnation? Or perhaps something completely new?
Also, here's some lore from the previous post: While practically invulnerable to most damage, gods can be killed by another god (Including themselves), a titan, a primordial or someone with blood of the first two type of beings. Also, gods can gain extra power through worship by mortals and while they can survive without it, their power will decrease to its original state and potentially becoming a target to more powerful beings.
For example, this would be my ideal afterlife...
When someone dies (Including gods), its soul leaves the body and ascends beyond the heavens, reaching The Abyss. This is the dark chaotic sea between this world and the next, where souls swim (Taking the form of aquatic creatures) and eventually reach the shore. Once there, souls will reside in the Necropolis, a great city located near The Gate of Beyond (The frontier between this place and the true afterlife), where souls await for their eventual ''Ultimate Test'' and the Death God's residence is also there, taking the form of a magnificent floating palace guarded by dog-like spirits. During their time there, they will receive stay with other souls they met in life and have not yet passed the test, while violent souls are sent to underground prisons and put in solitary until it's time for their test. The Ultimate Test is the way to see if someone lived as a good or bad person, having the Great Spirits (The strongest spirits and only second to the Death God) extract all of its memories and give them liquid form. Then, with this ''Wine of Life'' in a two-mouth jug, they will fill two special cups, the ''Cup of Good'' and the ''Cup of Evil'', each containing the sums of their good and bad actions in life. If the Cup of Good is exceeded, it shows that that soul was a good person and can pass to The Beyond, but if it is the Cup of Evil that is exceeded, its life was full of evil acts and will not be able to pass.
When failing the test, a soul will be grabbed and launched back where it came from, losing all of its memories and reincarnating as a new being. When passing the test, a soul will be granted pass into the Beyond, a realm described as an endless ethereal ocean that grows as one explores it. Every soul will be granted an ageless body (Being already dead, they cannot die again) and a private island, which is filled with everything they love and no matter if it travels far in the Beyond, souls will find their way back without problem. Also, if a loved one is in the Beyond, a soul can combine their islands and spend eternity together, but for those that eventually get bored of an endless blissful existence, there's another option. A soul can ask to be reincarnated to the God of Death (Or Great Spirits if it's not around), which means all of their memories are cleaned and its experiences in the Beyond will all be thought as dreams. However, as a reward for preferring to return to Earth than eternity in the Beyond, the soul is allowed to choose its new home upon reincarnation. As an interesting fact, babies and most animals will instantly reincarnate, being that the first are still pure beings that don't know evil and the rest act for instinct instead of ethics.
What do you think?