What happens if the user of “Almighty Absorbing Replication” absorbs important things like the sun, the planets or even the universe itself or even more important things like the living being itself, if he tries to absorb someone else's powers or the what happens, these things cease to exist the person who had their powers or their own being loses the powers or ceases to exist or it would only be necessary for the user to have a small sample of the material they wish to absorb, for example a sample of the universe or a small sample of reality, perhaps also for example a sample of another being like hair, blood, etc..., my question is what is needed to acquire the powers of a small sample or all at once?
What I want to know is if, for example, for the user to acquire the power to manipulate earth or mimic it is necessary for him to absorb a large amount of earth or is it just necessary for him to absorb a sample of the material, a small part instead of a large quantity, I want to know if you need a lot or a little of the material needed to absorb?