Imagine that you can get supernatural powers but you must sacrifice own living body on exchange for robotic or undead.
You sacrifice 90 percent of each emotional feeling. You can chose robotic existence :
-calm state
- clear mind,
- apathy
- digital eternal soul,
- any robot physiology shapeshifting,
- scientific powers.
Or you can chose undead existence:
- Undead eternal soul
- calm state
- clear mind
- apathy
- Necro power
- Death power
- Any lifeless/undead physiology shapeshifting.
Your Appearance is close to showed on picture
(You never will look like being with flesh , your eyes will always look with darkness or glow of Necro power, )
I think apathy user iq will be higher more than 200 or much much Higher because in application enlightenment, tactical analysis and much more thing so what will we the iq of apathy user? @AzQth @BlackSupergenius
27 Votes in Poll
Hi, sorry @BlackSupergenius if this may seem as offensive or attacking in any way, you can believe what you want to believe but I am simply curious about your mindset, specifically why you want to abandon you emotions. I do not know if you still want to abandon your emotions but still I would like to know why you saw emotions as a weakness and why you wanted to abandon them so badly.
Again this is not meant to be offensive or attacking in any way and you do not have to answer of you don’t want to. I would just like to get an idea of why you think the way you do and why you hate emotions so much.
40 Votes in Poll
Man i wish i had absolute intelligence without zero emotions i would have already accomplished everything i desire
Sometimes i try to understand my emotions and accept my feelings but something negative happens and reminds why i hate emotions with all my guts and wished i had absolute intelligence
WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME IF I HAVE ZERO ABSOLUTELY ZERO EMOTIONS AND I HAVE ABSOLUTE INTELLIGENCE. I would finally be happy & Enhance myself to be OP like Superman and take over Earth and rule it as it’s king ( dictator )
@Abdalla1234 @Neosaiyan7 @Scarlet king999 @AshAndrewFlame @SleepyTact @SuperPimp80 @Qwertyjadhfalhwjdgawlaiwb @MarcosV2019 @Richardbewild @SoulyPeachy & others
147 Votes in Poll
202 Votes in Poll
(Alright I want advice on these characters first on I'm making is Griffon, He got the most votes.) (Had help from my friend @Cresxatr with weaknesses)
Name: Griffon[Redacted]
Alias: Trevor Ashton(Cover up name)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
(Grey hair with red eyes)
Species: Telekinetic Human
Personality: Quiet, Pragmatic, Brutally Honest, Slick, Manipulative, Loyal
Gender: Male
Pronouns: Him/His/He
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon/Paraphernalia: Uses a lot of weapons And I mean a lot, you name it, he's prolly used it
Powers: Telekinesis:
Earth attacks
(Heat mode)
Heat Generation
Heat Attacks
Heat Infusion
Decay infusion
Enhanced Instincts
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Recovery
Enhanced Body
Enhanced Senses
Gun Kata
Enhanced Agility
Discomfort Immunity: Unable to feel emotional discomfort.
Sight: His telekinesis can't effect what he can't see
Range: Has a range limit on what he can use his Telekinesis on
Emotions: Emotions have a effect on his Powers
Ex. Being angry causes his Tele to go berserk
Being Sad or tired causes it to work slower.
182 Votes in Poll