"Welcome! WELCOME ladies and gents! So good to see you all back here in AK Academy, ready to bask in the glory of my creations, the Ass-Kickers? On that note, may I present to you....The BUILDNEER!!"
"Created in Texas, he's the kind of guy who would be down to Earth and too humble for his own good. I keep telling him to brag a little, but noooooo sir! He just has to be as humble as an American pie! Moving on....the man used to work in a pretty average construction firm in a little corner around Dallas called "Atlas Foundation" until he got a call from YOURS truly to enroll into my prestigious AK Academy so he could learn all there is to kicking asses AND enjoying the very thrill of adventure he's been looking for!"
"Now what in my name can this fella do?"
"Made for the purpose of arranging the architectural foundations of any building and helping construction workers build s**t, this tall behemoth can take control of architectural structures and give 'em a twist! Bridges, dams, apartment buildings, you name it and he can get the job done!"
"Standing at around 6ft tall and packing a lotta muscle, this adventurous powerhouse is more than ready to change the world for the better! The best superhuman to explo-I mean call upon to save the architecture industry!"
"If for some reason you chose to skim through this whole description, here's a little summary:"
NAME: Builderneer
PERSONALITY: Down to Earth and humble, having no delusions of grandeur beyond the call of adventure. That said, he's bored with his rather mundane life as a construction work and gets real excited whenever he gets the chance to go out to the world. Also willing to brawl against those capable of fighting back though he can get a little carried away.
POWER-UP: Construct- The Power-Up to control architectural structures from the very bottom to the top and move them around to suit his needs.
WEAKNESSES: Needs to make contact with any structure for his power-up to work. Can get carried away in a fight and end up accidentally injuring or killing the opponent should he get too lost in his mind. Also homesick sometimes and misses his adoptive family back in Texas.
FUN FACT: Builderneer once out drank everybody in the Texas T Tavern, having consumed over 500 cups of beer without passing out.
"With all the important stuff done....OFF I GO! Wonder if Builderneer can make a majestic pool for me...."