62 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
112 Votes in Poll
How would one go about using this power and what can you do with it?
How would you guys use this absolute ability/power?
110 Votes in Poll
This is a copy paste of what I posted on Perspective Manipulations comments, but I thought id put it here too since more people could see it here and agree, disagree or add their own thoughts. (I like PM and MPM so I wanna make it look cooler or make it easier to understand for others since I don't even fully understand it either.) Also I'm posting it in general since its more active
Would Art Manipulation be a good sub-power of this or could it act as a Tool for the power (as seen in Mentifery where it says Mentifery Tools.) I was thinking since this power might be hard to understand for some maybe doing something like on mentifery where it says "Perspective Manipulation Tools:" then has a list of powers that could function as the main abilities for it such as Art Manipulation, Graphical Perspective Manipulation, Perspective Designing, Interaction (since if the user for example sees something or knows about something they cant normally interact with if they use this power they could or if its a stretch then maybe 2D Interaction, Non-Physical Interaction if they can perceive non-physical things, or Shadow Interaction I'm just giving some examples), Reach Manipulation then maybe Subjective Reality since they can pull something from fantasy into reality by maybe googling a picture of an Elf and plucking that elf out of the picture and placing it into reality then maybe enlarging it and thinking of it as a real being. Oh also for the thing on Art Manipulation they could simply do what I mentioned above on Subjective Reality on something like a drawing to make it real.
Then maybe doing the same thing over on Meta Perspective Manipulation with the Meta/Omni/Absolute versions of the examples above such as Meta Art Manipulation and Subjective Reality that doesn't rely on things like drawings, videos or already existing things since they can apply perspectives to anything even their own mind they could simply pull stuff out of their own minds into reality.
Can meta art manipulators draw abstract concepts? Art is usually assigned for making concrete concepts/forces, but due to how much power they wield, will they be able to make abstract concepts by using their art?
110 Votes in Poll