86 Votes in Poll
86 Votes in Poll
Can anyone explain Rule Bending to me? Like when is it breaking and when is it bending? How does it achieve self/body supremacy wouldn't their changes go back to normal eventually. For example if the user decided to mess with their personal variables like strength or speed and decided to increase them would they eventually revert back to their original values essentially being physical augmentation or would it be a permanent change? I assume you wouldn't be able to increase the variables limitlessly, would it be more like making the improbable probable, so if its impossible for the user to achieve superman like strength then they wouldn't be able to do it but if it was possible to achieve some spiderman feats they could?
tldr: What are the limits on bending when does it become manipulating or outright breaking variables/aspects? Maybe give a generalised example or analogy pls.
169 Votes in Poll
a sub-power of property manipulation or attribute (properties as defined by philosophy) manipulation!?