Continuing off from my previous post
Leaning more towards the metaphysical side of the universe, you could post about any pseudoscientific theories you have about the "Astral Realities" or "PSI abilities" you think would fit in a sci-fi setting, but also still retain the elements of fantasy?
Example: Supernatural Electromagnitism - Astral Energy
The higher electromagnetic energies of the universe exist within the astral plane, most psychic and spiritual forces are considered these greater forms of electromagnetism. They are so powerful, that they little to don’t follow the same thermodynamic law of conservation, they do however have somewhat similar properties to Electromagnetism as well as properties that are sensitive to consciousness produced by sentient life, allowing anyone to manipulate the energy in very creative ways that normal energy manipulators can’t. Usually manifesting as paranormal light, but it can also take somewhat mechanical forms through the medium of ectoplasm (astral matter) such as sound.