@Mortal Reminder616 @Heartless Frost @SleepyTact @Fallen221 @BlackSupergenius @Eliakub19 @Mr. Saggo Ramer @Cameron Washington
For The Inspiration for this Sci-Fi Multiverse Model, See MWI Theory & Black Hole Cosmology.
(FYI, UniRealities mean Uni = 1 (like universe) & Reality; One Reality.)
There are Infinite Parallel Unirealities or Divergent Timelines that branch off and from each other in cosmic regions of the Greater Multiverse called "Grand Continuities" and the oldest branches stem from the Primary Unirealities or more commonly known as Prime Universes.
When some Unirealities end (Either through the big freeze or big rip), sometimes there are black holes that survive the destructions of their universes that end up in Macrospace (The Higher Reality that holds all the Multiversal Continuities). These Black Holes big bang into new Unparallel Unirealities that act as the starting point for infinite temporal divergence of realities for a new continuity (or in layman terms, Creating New Prime Universes.)
What is the Prime Universe of your Multiversal Continuities, what is it’s physics (mechanics, cosmology & physical properties) like and how does it effect or relate to all other realities in your region of the multiverse?