86 Votes in Poll
86 Votes in Poll
Ichor is the blood of Divine Entities (Any and All Metaentities and/or Cosmological Entities that’s connected to and/or personifying Divinity).
Black Ichor: The Blood of Fallen Divine Entities (Fallen Angelic Entities and Malevolent Deities) and Early Demonic Entities created by these dark lords. He has almost similar properties to Silver Ichor, but cursed in nature.
Silver Ichor: The Blood of Angelic Entities such as True Angels and Archons; the former created by Supremes and the latter made by Polytheistic Deities. Unlike the "Black Ichor" of demons, it’s blessed in nature.
Golden Ichor: The Blood of Polytheistic Deities. It has the mostly similar properties as silver ichor, but it’s 1000 times more powerful and has reality altering properties.
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