Name: Shizuku Ka
Alias: Mosquito-Man
Age: 19 Years Old
Shizuku has brown spikey hair, is 6'1" and is weighs about 97 kg (219 Lbs). He has a skinny build, with no visible muscles. Red eyes and pointy ears, with a sharp nose.
Personality: Shizuku is kind and very confident, he often helps those in need of it and will protect the weak. He can be arrogant in his effort to help those, even those he don't want it. He values order and is a "neat-freak", always organized and on time. He also prioritizes neatness and orderliness. And those who drum up chaos are often horrible offenders in his eyes.
He is a massive germaphobe and always cleans everything, even to the point of annoying his friends and comrades.
Creativity is also a big part of his traits, often using in his occupation and when using his powers. As his imagination is wild and more often than not all over the place. His a bit unorthodox and vibrant when solving problems; thinks outside the box.
His most valuable trait is his determination and his unwillingness to give up. As he will always fight for what is right and will never concede. Always a "goody two shoes", truly a hero of good nature.
Alignment: Lawfully Good
Birthplace: Japan, Tokyo
Gender: Male
Species: Homo Superiorus
Occupation: Culinary Student/Part-time Vigilante
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Sucker : Shizuku's special mutation allows him to absorb the blood of other, human or not. He can use this ability though physical contact with his hands or through his mouth, though he doesn't use his mouth as he considers it unhygienic. Shizuku often trains this ability on animals, but doesn't take all the blood. This ability in hands has various different applications. And he has shown even unlocking secondary mutations.
Blood Storage: A simple ability that allows Shizuku to store the blood of others inside himself (He has special sacs on the inside of his body that can contain the blood) or even in external containers.
Blood Manipulation: Shizuku can manipulate and shape the blood he has stored or even use his own blood. He can also manipulate various different properties and qualities of the blood, such as its acidity, colour, hardness, temperature and even add special properties. Such as making the blood volatile or extremely increase conductivity of the blood. Though to actually use the blood he has to cut himself open to draw out the blood, as the sacs are mainly in his forearms, legs, back and on the upper part of his chest.
Haemopotent Replication: Shizuku can temporary gain the mutations (powers) of others. He can only use this ability when consuming the blood, he has to either drink it or ingest it. The amount of abilities he can use are endless, but each one will have a time limit, this time limit is indictive of the amount of blood ingested. Meaning the more blood he drinks the longer he can use the powers. Though he himself doesn't use this ability has it is so revolting and disgusting that he will only use it in times of desperate measure. Other things can also be replicated such as memories and skills, though these too leave once the blood is finish.
Haemopotent Shapeshifting: Shizuku can take on the appearance and voices of the blood he consumes. Allowing him to fool others and take on even the appearance of animals and humans alike. He can partially or fully transform and can merge different blood to make unique transformations or forms.
Blood Cloning: A rather unique ability that allows him to create clones of the blood in his sacs, these clones will have the exacr appearance, memories, skills, morality and etc of the person the blood comes from. He need not to consume the blood to do this.
Blood Bomb Manipulation: A simple ability that allows him to manipulate the sacs, meaning he can not only draw out the blood but manipulate the sacs that contain the blood. Usually turning them into bombs with various different properties. As the sacs in his body can regrow without any harm to their user.
Keen Intellect: Shizuku is an extremely smart and intelligent person. He is responsible for creating his own supersuit. He has a great understanding of biology, genealogy, mathematics and physics. Although he is a quick learner and has intuition for details.
Brawling Mastery: Shizuku isn't particularly skilled in combat, as he often employs simple, but effective techniques using his fists and legs. Sometimes his head too.
Needle Gauntlets: Shizuku created special gauntlets that allows him to extract (absorb) the blood of others without having to make physical contact. The gauntlets shoot out a needle with a tube attached that can directly spihon blood into a small storage unit inside the gauntlets, which then can further be extract into his sacs.
His germaphobia often doesn't allow him to use the full capabilities of his power.
He can run out of blood to use. Meaning he would have to use his own blood or absorb the blood of other again.
He can still be physical overpowered by those possessing superior strength.
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