Heartless Frost·7/4/2024in GeneralYou End Up Gaining Power From A "Classical Monster". Which Ability Would You Have? Part 22Calamity Hell (Four Horseman)Madness Form (Eldritch Abomination)Vote64 Votes in PollArchetype:Eldritch AbominationList of Classic MonstersArchetype:Four HorsemenMadness FormCalamity Hell
Mr Idk543·6/28/2024in GeneralWho Would Win?Wonder of U (JJBA)Aizen (Bleach)Vote58 Votes in PollImmortalityCalamity Hell
Neosaiyan7·5/8/2024in GeneralWhich powerset would you rather have?Frieren+Clea+Arcanescience+Super ScienceSukuna+Violator+Calamity Hell+DystopianizationVote45 Votes in PollSupernatural ScienceCalamity HellArcanescienceDystopianization
Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O·2/25/2023in GeneralWhich Evil Power Do You Want?Beast CreationBlack Dragon PhysiologyCalamity HellCorruption ManipulationSadism EmbodimentSin ManipulationVote125 Votes in Poll(Edited by Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O)Corruption ManipulationBlack Dragon PhysiologySin ManipulationCalamity HellBeast CreationSadism Embodiment
Heartless Frost·6/7/2022in GeneralTwo abilities,one singular power. Which of these would you start out with as a Metahuman? Part 51Calamity Hell: Bullet Hell+Apocalypse InducementGod Fist: Destruction+Enhanced StrengthVote112 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Calamity HellPulverization