Tdklause0403·11/22/2023in GeneralCard PowerCard PowerSuperpower WikiCould you create a belt with a card that connects you to your card monster? and make armor and use other cards to summon advance weaponry your monster and do a final attack?(Edited by Tdklause0403)Card ImprisonmentCard EmpowermentCard AbsorptionCard PowerCard ArmorCard AuraCard AttacksCard Arts
Tdklause0403·11/23/2023in GeneralCard EmpowermentCard EmpowermentSuperpower WikiI'm wondering if you can gain strength from cards could you make your own armor? or summon accessed weaponry or do a final attack?SuperpowersCard ImprisonmentCard EmpowermentCard AbsorptionCard ArmorCard AuraCard AttacksCard Arts
Tdklause0403·11/15/2023in GeneralChoose an Card Like Power - With No Side Effects (Part 3)Card PowerCard EmpowermentCard ArmorCard AttacksCard AuraCard ArtsVote42 Votes in PollCard EmpowermentCard PowerCard ArmorCard AuraCard AttacksCard Arts