Heartless Frost·2/21/2024in GeneralManipulation Part 7: Would You Rather.....?Manipulate The Universe With Heavenly InfluenceManipulate The Orderly Forces Of The UniverseVote70 Votes in PollCelestial ManipulationOrder Manipulation
Heartz13·2/2/2024in GeneralHow powerful is a common angel?Scaled to 10-100 SunsScaled to 50-500 SunsScaled to 1000-10,000 SunsScaled to 5000-50,000 SunsScaled to 100-1000 Star ClustersVote63 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartz13)Angel PhysiologyCelestial ManipulationSupernatural Power Level
Heartless Frost·1/3/2024in GeneralAll With The Same Cosmic Level But Different Variations. Which (Cosmic) Archetype?Cosmic Reality Warper (Cosmic Warping)Cosmic Saint (Divine Cosmos Manipulation)Cosmic Abomination (Eldritch Connection)Cosmic Host (Cosmic Symbiosis)Vote97 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Celestial ManipulationCosmic SymbiosisEldritch ConnectionCosmic Warping
Heartless Frost·6/15/2022in GeneralTwo abilities, one singular power. Which of these would you start out with as a Metahuman? Part 80Celestial: Esoteric Cosmic+Divine Forces ControlTechnomechanical: Inorganic+Technology ControlVote134 Votes in PollCelestial ManipulationTechnomechanical Manipulation
Heartz13·1/3/2022in GeneralWhich cosmic power would you choose?Celestial ManipulationQuantum Foam ManipulationBothYesVote145 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartz13)Cosmic ManipulationCelestial ManipulationQuantum Foam Manipulation
Heartz13·7/16/2021in GeneralDo you think Very Powerful Beings with Celestial Powers Could Manipulate On Multi/Omniversal Scales?YesMaybeNot LikelyProbably On a Multiversal Scale?Probably On a Omniversal Scale?Vote132 Votes in PollMultiversal ManipulationOmniverse ManipulationCelestial Manipulation
Heartz13·8/25/2020in GeneralAre angels considered cosmic entities!!!Archetype:Cosmic EntityAngel PhysiologyCelestial Manipulation