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116 Votes in Poll
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109 Votes in Poll
Ok so. Just a thought. Does training and hard work surpass a natural instinct and response mechanisms? “Well response to what” anything. Speed, strength, reading, drawing etc. that being said. I’ll mainly make it combat skill and strength. For the sake of being fun. a person who trained for 50 years, but has no instinct for fighting. Or any supernatural ability (enhanced level) vs a person who hasn’t trained, but has a instinct and automatic response mechanism for fighting. (To a enhanced level). You might be thinking “well if he’s just been training for 50 years then isn’t that just peak human combat?” Ooooh boy. This bothers me. Skill is a blurry line. How is skill a superpower? Peak human combat is redundant because can’t humans just.....idk...get better? To the point of enhanced combat. BUT wouldn’t that still be peak human combat. Because that would be the limit....but couldn’t he just.....get better? To the point of Supernatural combat? BUT that would be still.....peak human combat. I think you get my point. This post was meant to be a little idea I had, but I had a bit of a tangent at the end. Feel free to disagree or debate. See ya
116 Votes in Poll