You live in word where there exist a sought after crystalline substance known as chromescience that can give human in contact with supernatural abilities. As long a the subject remains in contact with the substance they will be to use the power unique to type of chromescience though constant exposure over the course of a week will cause the power to permanently rub off on the subject allowing them to use the ability even when not in contact with the chromescience though continued exposure will strengthen that power and even unlock no one based off the original however this the potential to decay your health physically or sanity mentally. Chromescience is not a finite resource infect it can actually be grown and farmed in a way as if one were put a piece of chromescience in a specific environment it will start to grow and replicate itself. Chromescience comes in many different colors each one give a different power the colors power and environments they grow in are:
Red-fire mimicry-volcanic land
Yellow-stone constructs-deserts
Purple-cold generation-artic regions
Orange-fruit attacks-jungles
Blue-water mimicry-beaches
Green-base level telepathy minus telekinesis +psionic beam emission from eyes-dead forests
Clear-immortality-religious sites
Black-gravity manipulation-high radiation zones warning overuse of this color will cause slowly kill users if not careful
White-genesis blood-theme parks
Gray-wind generation-mountains
Magenta-electricity absorption-advanced cities
Pink-shapeshifting-ghost towns
There also exist chromescience keepers powerful sorceress that are bonded with the chromescience crystals there is a keeper for each color. The abilities of a keeper include enhanced version of chromescience powers unique abilities still tied to the overall theme of their chromescience color the power to magnetically control chromescience of their color instantly give people normal chromescience power of their color and draw strength from environment when in an area where their color can be grown. One can become a chromescience keeper through multiple like being a descendant of a keeper or boiling and consuming the blood of a keeper but the main way to become a keeper without requiring the "assistance" of an existing keeper is simply becoming highly skilled at utilizing the chromescience color you wish to become a keeper of. Keeper's whether they are born that way or become way all have skin that is the same color and texture as their chromescience.
Owners of chromescience crystals can perform a process called familiar creation in which they bury the crystal in whatever material they see fit(dirt sand stone metal scraps or other) with some of their DNA(hair saliva blood if your hardcore tears or other) with a piece of an animal( bird feather mammal fur reptile scales fish fins or other) and wait at least five hours it will create a animated semi sentient creature with the form of whatever animal's DNA but with alteration themed whatever color chromescience was used and abilities based on both the animal and crystal color the burying materiel decides its speed intellect durability and strength the creature is called a familiar and is completely loyal to whoever's DNA was used to make them
You are a keeper what color are you what do you do with your power do you have a familiar what is its form