Statz02·12/31/2024in GeneralOut of these 2, who do you LIKE the most?Spawn.Ghost Rider.Vote56 Votes in PollSuperpowersRemakingHell-Fire ManipulationImagination EmpowermentHellspawn PhysiologySpawningNecro PowerPenance StareDamnationMotor Vehicle Manipulation
Heartless Frost·6/17/2024in GeneralAs An Adversary Of The Infernal Realms, Which Archetype Would You Rather Be? (See Comments)Ascended DemonDemonic Power HunterHell Angel/Wardens Of HellJudge Of (Damned) Souls/Gatekeeper Of HellVote65 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)PunishmentHell LordshipDivine-Demonic Force ManipulationHell GateAfterlife JudgementDemonic Power AbsorptionDamnationSalvation