If you want a character in this series:
Male- Adjective with "-ful" Suffix
Female- Adjective with "-able" Suffix
Gender Neutral/Undefined- Adjective with "-ious" Suffix
Chosen Métier: (1 skill, mastery, proficiency, occupation, etc.)
Story/Quest: (Optional, an idea for a short story)
Leful and Ireful walked out of the basement and heard a conversation several feet away.
Feckful: "Are you really going to take her?"
Pious: "We have to. The Omniscient Hosts chose her."
The Duo reached the party.
Leful: "Hey. Ireful is cured. What's this conversation about? Please explain."
Devoutful: "You are not going to believe this...but Blurrable was given a Fourth Mode."
Ireful: "Ah, Wha!"
Pious: "It's true. So, she's coming with us."
Blurrable: "Oh, I cannot catch a break."
Ireful (Walking over to Blurrable with Leful): "Welcome to our lives."
Leful: "So, what is your Fourth Mode? Please answer."
Blurrable stood up, glowing blue. Then, the color turned dimmer, becoming darkness in tangible form with many fingers.
Blurrable: "Dark Mode."
Ireful (With enthusiasm): "That is so cool. Ahem. (With a calmer tone) That is quite impressive."
The darkness swirled around her, and before long, she had vanished.
Devoutful: "She's gone!"
Pious: "We need to..."
Pious noticed the front door was opened.
Pious: "...find her."
Feckful: "She couldn't get far. Not with this place suspended in mid-air. Come on."
The party went out the door except for The Duo.
Leful: "Wait."
Ireful: "What?"
Leful: "Answer: We are looking for a Parlor Trick Modder. A master of sleight of hand."
Ireful: "You're right. It is not about what you see. It's about what the trickster doesn't want you to see. The open door was..."
Leful: "...A misdirect. Blurrable is still in the building and close by."
Ireful: "I should let you hold the reigns more often. You are way too smart sometimes."
The Duo looked around the area, and Ireful spotted a closet by the stairs. He quietly tiptoed over and stood by the wall. Ireful instructed his partner to run up the stairs with hand gestures. Leful winked.
Leful: "I think I see a door slightly opened upstairs. Let's check it out."
Leful did what was needed of him and dashed up the stairs. Ireful waited as the door next to him began to open. Blurrable's head slowly came out before the rest of her followed. Ireful activated his Attack Mode, which caused Leful to rocket back at high speed as The Duo grabbed her.
Blurrable (Struggling to get free): "Hey!"
Leful: "Hey, guys! We got her!"
Blurrable glowed blue.
Ireful: "Uh oh."
In a flash of darkness, The Duo ended up grabbing each other by the arms while Blurrable ran toward the basement.
Leful: "Hey!"
The Duo ran after her while the party saw them and followed. In the basement, Blurrable hid in one of the rooms only to discover living skeletons playing shuffleboard. She ran out only to be in front of The Duo's Attack Mode-Powered Charges. Blurrable grabbed a tapestry while going silver. Leful and Ireful collided, but after the dust settled, the covered figure was still fine before Blurrable took it off.
Ireful: "Err!"
Feckful tried to use his defense mode like before, but Blurrable had already reached The Brewery. Inside, Blurrable took some vials and bottles.
Blurrable: "All right! Stand back, or I will use this stuff."
Pious: "Why are you doing all of this?"
Leful: "Answer: She's crazy—just like you, Boss. She'd be a lovely addition to your team of Fourth Mode Users."
Pious: "Shut it."
Blurrable: "I believe that my Chosen Métier is worthy of being a part of The Sorcery Lineage with me included."
Feckful: "Blurrable, we discussed this with you and your brother. Your Chosen Métiers are mere facsimiles of actual magical skills. We cannot accept them, or others will believe they can just waltz in, claiming that their knowledge on a fantasy book is worthy to being part of our Lineage."
Blurrable started breathing heavily and got ready to throw potions before Pious stepped forward.
Pious: "Wait! I have a critical mission and need your and Devoutful's assistance. If you help me, I could help you be part of The Sorcery Lineage."
Blurrable: "Re-Really?"
Feckful: "What?"
Pious (to Feckful): "Think about it. My Chosen Métier has possessed the power of a Fourth Mode for generations. Now, she has it. That means the next wielder will also have the Fourth Mode too."
Feckful: "Hmmm? I understand. But I am will need to discuss this with the rest of the family to decide."
Pious (to Blurrable): "You hear that?"
Blurrable: "Yes. I will wait until you make your decision."
Blurrable put down all the potions and slowly walked over to the party.
Feckful: "Sigh...I am relieved that we made it through without any mishaps."
Pious: "Same and now we can get to the reason why my team and I are here."
Feckful: "Of course. What can I do to serve you, Sir Pious?"
Leful: "Answer: Strengthful is after someone who is The Métier Modder of The Genie's Lamp."
Feckful: "Why?"
Pious (After putting their hand over Leful's lips): "He is going to put them under mind control to work for him."
Feckful: "That is bad, but he can do a lot than that."
Devoutful: "You mean getting a wish. The Genie inside the lamp can grant one wish to each person."
Feckful: "Yes. Who did you know?"
Devoutful: "I am part of The Benkei Corps. We know some things about each other."
Feckful: "Right. One of the duties of The Sorcery Lineage is to keep specific dangerous forces from destroying or altering our way of life. The Genie is one of them. We made a trap-ridden temple to keep the Modder and the lamp away from greedy eyes. We hide it, but sometimes, people randomly stumble their way into finding it. One of did say we need more external protection but...I digress. I will show you the location so that you can be on your way."
Feckful walked away to get the temple's coordinates from his family's records.
Pious: "Excellent, and we'll take Blurrable with us straight to the temple."
Ireful: "Whoa! I need a break. I just recovered from being a vampire, and now, you want me to go to a temple full of booby traps and fight possibly a lot more Benkei Corps members."
Devoutful: "Gasp...If they mean to hypnotize the Modder that means the one responsible for mind-controlling me and my comrades will also be there! I am coming for you!"
Devoutful dashed outside.
Pious: "Leful is right. We cannot dillydally. We need to go straight over there, and I have four super cool Modders with me."
Ireful: "There are five of us."
Pious: "I know. I just count you and Leful as one Modder since you share the same Chosen Métier."
The Duo looked slightly upset by that comment, and Feckful returned with the coordinates. After receiving them, Pious gave the Rain Dance Modder their card and went to tell Devoutful the location. The Pasha Modder activated his Vehicle Mode. His hovercraft shot out a Devoutfulpasha in the direction of the hidden temple. The rest of the party, including Blurrable, went onboard to head toward their next adventure.
To Be Continued...