82 Votes in Poll
82 Votes in Poll
99 Votes in Poll
Who you fighting has every superpower in this category https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Death-based_Abilities
You are only allowed one superpower that is considered to be within your top ten favourites at least, and I'm banning ones that have words Omni or potence mentioned anywhere in their pages, and the category Nigh Powers.
@Abdalla1234 @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Scarlet king999 @Fallen221 @Necropolis00 @Duncril01 @Idolsama @Pkstorm11 @PYKOLOS @TheNerdEternal1 @Jasonso9 @RyanKraftBR @BlackSupergenius @AshAndrewFlame @SuperPimp80 @Heartless Frost @Sulfur @Madam Lestrange @MrAnonymous @Retex @Heartz13 @Renatoluck @EchoCozy @Ahava7 @Mortal Reminder616 @Rulefiji @Holokami @Cameron Washington @G-man morgonna @Keefdreewill @Animus infinitus @Needy-dev @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Gamefame 2014 @Getsuga799 @Ghost Rider 12 @GhostFlame2 @Kirinator07 @Nicholas Huntington @Oneofwisdom @OneAboveAll42 @King of Nynrah @KingSpriggan129 @Ashzone98 @Izumi023 @Ruyuy @TantricNova @Jikkai @Mr.DarkPhantom @Mr. Saggo Ramer @Temporal (Zen-El) @Nausiated @Carcassfrozenyogurt @Baleyg Erebus @ThePirateKing777 @13 Apostles @Kusarigama @Qwertyboi89 @Necrotifice @Omuni @App4lyon @MillionWonder @KingofGarbage @Lelec6 @InfamousHeart @TheTrueAnnoyingDog @The True Transcendent @Dark Dragon samurai @Mechgamer1 @Operep @Slift33 @Timjer @LuckBoy89 @Rolling10 @Rryyggyyhyyhuythh @Death horseman94 @The-Seelie-Queen @The Forgotten Beast @AnimalKeeper21 @Agent Facultas @Chaos5023 @ChaosBob523 @LardWad420 @Ethanfinity @Katblue7 @Limitlessgenius @LimittlesRealm @Leona The 7th @FANDOM @Ryudoshieru @Jack em all @Manuele9 @Ogtea @Wizard King 1224 @Zenotorphis @MeOrThePs5
@Abdalla1234 @BlackSupergenius @Necropolis00 @AzQth @Idolsama @SleepyTact @BasilLily @2964artworld @SSB64 @AshAndrewFlame @TheNerdEternal1 @MarcosV2019 @Alphawolf2020 @Fallen221 @Jack em all @Temporal (Zen-El) @Manuele9 @Cameron Washington @Brandon Daniels @RyanKraftBR @Richardbewild @SuperPimp80 @LightTheProtogen @Tennysonwilliam505 @Keefdreewill @Conquest 332 @Unlogic Lighting @Gamefame 2014 @Mortal Reminder616 @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Kyrios Neo @Farquad118 @Duncril01 @Rulefiji @Godking25 @Owensan 013 @Rock2005 @Lelec6 @TerinTerin @AnimalKeeper21 @Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus @O Death King @Duncril01 @Un1v3 @The Edit Lord @Eye Lad @Reality destroyer @Kmwno 1 @Scarlet king999 @IamADoor @Marky Johnson @Eliakub19 @Heartz13 @AnimalKeeper21 @Titanuwu @TheDevil7777 @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Rulefiji @Idolsama @EchoCozy @Sam Wickes @Bloody Villian @ShabriGZ23 @No.13Kid
82 Votes in Poll
88 Votes in Poll
For those who don't have a verse what would be your idea of death, whether it be Personification/Embodiment/concept or otherwise? and what is the purpose?
140 Votes in Poll
131 Votes in Poll