The death force construct page lists Ebenezar as being a user because he uses the blackstaff which is made of mordite.
This is wrong.
Here's the description of the Blackstaff:
Ebenezar McCoy extended his left hand and spoke another word, and darkness swirled from the shadows and condensed into a staff of dark, twisted wood, unmarked by any kind of carving whatsoever. The Blackstaff.
“Fuego!” shouted someone on the walls—and for a second I was hit with a little sting of insult. Someone was shouting “fuego” and it wasn’t me.
And then later
Ebenezar, still bearing the Blackstaff in his left hand, came to me sometime later.
~ Butcher, Jim. Changes: 12 (The Dresden Files series)
This is the only description of the physical Blackstaff we ever get.
Now, here is the description of Mordite.
She walked to the pitcher’s mound, not looking at anyone, her focus on the box she carried. She set it down, very carefully, and then lifted the lid from the top of the box and stepped back. A wave of nauseating cold flooded out when she opened the box.
Something that looked vaguely like a cloud of ink in clear water floated up out of the box. It was about the size of a baby’s head. Dozens of shadowy tendrils held the scorpion, drawing it up into the air along with the inky cloud. Dark violet flickers of flame played over the insect’s shell for all of two or three seconds – and then it simply crumbled, carapace falling away in flakes and dust. The cloudy mass rose up to a height of about five feet, before the Archive murmured a word. It stopped in place, bobbing gently, holding there.
‘Damn,’ Thomas said, he took the earphones out. Music with many electric guitars sounded tinnily from them. ‘And this is what?’
‘Mordite,’ I said quietly. ‘Deathstone.’ ‘Yes,’ the Archive said. Ortega drew in a slow breath, and nodded in understanding. ‘Deathstone, huh?’ Thomas said. ‘It sort of looks like someone spray-painted a soap bubble. And gave it tentacles.’
‘It isn’t a soap bubble,’ I said. ‘There’s a solid piece inside. The energies it carries in it are what create that shroud effect around it.’
Thomas poked a finger at it. ‘What does it do?’
I caught his wrist before he could touch it, and pushed his hand away. ‘It kills. Hence the name deathstone, you half-wit.’
‘Oh,’ Thomas said, nodding with drunken sagacity. ‘It looked cool when it gacked that little thing, but so what? It’s a bug zapper.’
‘If you disrespect this thing it’s going to get you killed,’ I said. ''‘It would kill anything living exactly the same way. Anything. It’s not from our world.’
‘It’s extraterrestrial?’ asked Susan.
‘You do not understand, Miss Rodriguez,’ Ortega said quietly. ‘Mordite is not from this galaxy or this universe. It is not of our reality.’
I had reservations about Ortega’s presence on the home-team roster, but I nodded. ‘It’s from Outside. It’s . . . congealed antilife. A chip of this stuff makes nuclear waste look like secondhand smoke. Being near it draws the life off you bit by bit. If you touch it, it kills you. Period.’
~ Butcher, Jim. Death Masks: 5 (The Dresden Files series)
So on one hand we have mordite, which:
- Instantly kills you if you touch it.
- Creates a shroud of "black soap bubble energy" around it.
- Gives Harry a feeling of nauseating cold when he gets near it.
And on the other hand, we have the Blackstaff which:
- Can be physically held without Ebenzar dying instantly
- Is described as being dark wood, not stone
- Does not have a shroud of "black soap bubble energy" around it.
- Does not give Harry a feeling of nauseating cold like he gets when he's near Mordite.
Blackstaff is not mordite, it's not a deathforce construct, Ebenezar should not be listed as a user, let alone be the page image.