Heartless Frost·4/10/2023in GeneralHow would you obtain Death-Force Manipulation? Power Link? Arts? Or Symbiosis?Have Forces Of Death Linked To One's PowerUtilize Techniques That Are Necrotic In NatureSymbiotic Relationship With A Death-Force BeingVote44 Votes in PollDeath-Force ManipulationDeath-Force ArtsDeath-Force Power LinkDeath-Force Symbiosis
Heartless Frost·12/17/2022in GeneralWhich "Unstoppable Beast" abilities & methods would you prefer? Doomsday or The Black Flash?Powerhouse-Extraterrestrial/Adaptive ResurrectionSpeedster (Death-Force Link)/Afterlife TransportVote96 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Archetype:SpeedsterAfterlife TransportAdaptive ResurrectionArchetype:Extraterrestrial PowerhouseDeath-Force Power Link