Your chosen character's opponent has every power in this category
So which character is capable of defeating such a user?
@Abdalla1234 @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Scarlet king999 @Fallen221 @Necropolis00 @Duncril01 @Idolsama @Pkstorm11 @PYKOLOS @TheNerdEternal1 @Jasonso9 @RyanKraftBR @BlackSupergenius @AshAndrewFlame @SuperPimp80 @Heartless Frost @Sulfur @Madam Lestrange @MrAnonymous @Retex @Heartz13 @Renatoluck @EchoCozy @Ahava7 @Mortal Reminder616 @Rulefiji @Holokami @Cameron Washington @G-man morgonna @Keefdreewill @Animus infinitus @Needy-dev @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Gamefame 2014 @Getsuga799 @Ghost Rider 12 @GhostFlame2 @Kirinator07 @Nicholas Huntington @Oneofwisdom @OneAboveAll42 @King of Nynrah @KingSpriggan129 @Ashzone98 @Izumi023 @Ruyuy @TantricNova @Jikkai @Mr.DarkPhantom @Mr. Saggo Ramer @Temporal (Zen-El) @Nausiated @Carcassfrozenyogurt @Baleyg Erebus @ThePirateKing777 @13 Apostles @Kusarigama @Qwertyboi89 @Necrotifice @Omuni @App4lyon @MillionWonder @KingofGarbage @Lelec6 @InfamousHeart @TheTrueAnnoyingDog @The True Transcendent @Dark Dragon samurai @Mechgamer1 @Operep @Slift33 @Timjer @LuckBoy89 @Rolling10 @Rryyggyyhyyhuythh @Death horseman94 @The-Seelie-Queen @The Forgotten Beast @AnimalKeeper21 @Agent Facultas @Chaos5023 @ChaosBob523 @LardWad420 @Ethanfinity @Katblue7 @Limitlessgenius @LimittlesRealm @Leona The 7th @FANDOM @Ryudoshieru @Jack em all @Manuele9 @Ogtea @Wizard King 1224 @Zenotorphis @MeOrThePs5
@Abdalla1234 @BlackSupergenius @Necropolis00 @AzQth @Idolsama @SleepyTact @BasilLily @2964artworld @SSB64 @AshAndrewFlame @TheNerdEternal1 @MarcosV2019 @Alphawolf2020 @Fallen221 @Jack em all @Temporal (Zen-El) @Manuele9 @Cameron Washington @Brandon Daniels @RyanKraftBR @Richardbewild @SuperPimp80 @LightTheProtogen @Tennysonwilliam505 @Keefdreewill @Conquest 332 @Unlogic Lighting @Gamefame 2014 @Mortal Reminder616 @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Kyrios Neo @Farquad118 @Duncril01 @Rulefiji @Godking25 @Owensan 013 @Rock2005 @Lelec6 @TerinTerin @AnimalKeeper21 @Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus @O Death King @Duncril01 @Un1v3 @The Edit Lord @Eye Lad @Reality destroyer @Kmwno 1 @Scarlet king999 @IamADoor @Marky Johnson @Eliakub19 @Heartz13 @AnimalKeeper21 @Titanuwu @TheDevil7777 @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Rulefiji @Idolsama @EchoCozy @Sam Wickes @Bloody Villian @ShabriGZ23 @No.13Kid