Hey guys and gals! Here's a little something that I've done rather quickly! A gang of OCs from the AK Academy universe!
Introducing.....C.H.I.M.E.R.A, the best mechanics you never heard of!
From Left to right:
Handsome Devil, Stonewall Rhino, Huntress & Ursa Major
Here's what you gotta know about them so far:
1) Handsome Devil:
The young man in the left, wearing a suit patterned after kobolds and holding a wrench-like gun, is an expert with guns and has the accuracy of a butcher. He's sensitive about his own appearance, but he can be suave and super confident. Kinda narcissistic too...
Definitely oozes confidence and class. He's nimble and agile, moving around in fast speeds while shooting. His main Power-Up would consist of him summoning a shadow guardian kinda like a Stand from Jojo.
2) Stonewall Rhino:
big, buff and old, he's got some Rhino apparel going for him. Besides that, he's gruff and grumpy, but does care for his gang even if he rarely shows it. He can also be a little...eccentric, especially when telling wild tales about his glory days, and more than a tough man, demanding respect and giving the young man flack for his attitude
While tough and strong the veteran leader's main Power-Up is much more concrete. The purple-ish holes in his body? Those can generate puffs of smoke meant to distract the target while he either gets away or surprises them.
Dude's basically the Rhino{Marvel}, but smarter and older....and that's just without mentioning his main weapon....his horn. One scratch or stab from that thing and you're dead. It's filled with lethal poison.
He's the sort of guy who's been part of the military since his youth and learned how to operate vehicles. Beyond that, he could be a bit of a nutcase. He talks to a 1940s car that he swears that its alive or sentient. Whether that's true or a figment of his imagination, no one knows and no one wants to risk asking him.
3) Huntress:
The short one with the monkey mask, is the "Millie" of the gang AKA the one who prefers to fight up close with her wrecking ball and does so with little to no emotion. She's usually stoic most of the time and The short one's Power-Up actually grants her the abilities of a Devil Monkey.
4) Ursa Mayor:
Last member, the one with a bear mask, is generally shy, but in battle, she becomes a sadistic and bloodlusted beast! No weapons on her part, but she has a mutation that grants her two Power-Ups. One allows her to turn her arms into bear claws and the other grants her wings for...do I need to explain that?
So far, those are very basic details, made up on the spot. With time, I'll expand upon each member when that time comes.