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Pious swiftly moved across the terrain, holding Leful and Ireful by their hands.
Leful (Flailing in the air): "AAAAHHHHH!"
Ireful (Also flailing): "Boss! Can you please slow the ******* down?"
Leful: "Answer: Gaak! Cough! Cough!"
Leful tried to speak but swallowed a fly. Pious ignored their subordinate's plea as they almost reached Strengthful's base. Suddenly, a tornado rose to block the team's path. Venerable floated down.
Venerable: "Hahaha! Nice try. But I cannot allow you to enter yet."
Bearable (Inside Pious's mind): /Sir, we will distract her while you get inside./
Pious: /Okay, Bearable. You and Protégé, be careful and keep the other two safe./
Bearable: "You too, Sir. I don't trust Strengthful."
Pious (To The Duo): "Le-Ire, I am sorry I keep throwing you into danger. It is because I can see your potential and strength."
Ireful: "Oh...Apology accepted. Wait. Why are you apologizing?"
Leful: "Anwer: Because they are going to..."
Pious: "And now, I need to throw you one more time!"
With all their enhanced strength, Pious hurled The Duo at Venerable.
Venerable: "What the? Ahhhh!"
Leful and Ireful collided with the wind-conjuring Modder and hit the bog below. At that moment, Pious released the effect of their Fourth Mode. Protégé and Bearable returned while their leader ran past Venerable.
Venerable (Getting The Duo off her): "No! Stop right there!"
Venerable raised her gem only for it to be shot out of her hand by Bearable's Attack Mode ability. Protégé ran to conduct hand-to-hand combat, but Venerable turned golden. Her Attack Mode increased her speed with the power of wind as she tackled him.
Venerable: "Hehe. With my Attack Mode, you cannot catch me."
Bearable: "We'll see. Hyaah!"
Bearable with Emeici in both hands charged at her, attempting to stab her. Venerable gracefully dodged them before jumping out of her foe's striking range. Venerable shined bronze and the gem under her care returned to her hand.
Bearable: "No!"
Venerable (Using the gem to float): "Hahaha! Are you surprised that I can call back my object?"
Leful (Slowly got up): "Answer: It is a standard ability for Wielder-Types."
Bearable: "Yeah, but you are forgetting about another standard Support Mode ability for Wielder-Types."
Bearable glowed bronze, and the aura's power infused itself into her Emeici. She rushed at Venerable, who made another tornado before her, but it broke through with one jab with her weapon. Venerable was in utter shock as Bearable continued her charge.
Bearable: "It's to enhanced the power of the things we wield!"
Venerable activated her Defense Mode, forming a human-sized silver gem around. It spun to make a small twister, but with the real gem, its power increased to a terrifying whirlwind that sent Bearable back. It almost scattered the four all over again.
Venerable: "Ahahaha!"
Pious got inside the base, and Strengthful was inside.
Strengthful: "Ah, Pious, my old rival. It has been a while since I toppled over that headquarters we used to train to become the Leader Modder. But the Métier Surge chose you."
Pious: "It didn't choose me. It knew that I was the right choice, especially since you left afterward with your followers to steal the Omniscient Host of Darkness and formed your various Truancy organizations."
Strengthful: "Regardless, we are not here to discuss the past. We are here for a trade. "
Strengthful snapped his fingers. Devoutful descended, still detained.
Pious (Pulling out a card): "All the money is on this untraceable card. But let him go first."
Strengthful: "Hmph! Fine, Métier Modder of Being Bossy."
Strengthful pressed a button on a remote, and Devoutful fell from the device that kept him prisoner. Pious was about to walk over to the hostage before Strengthful pulled out a gun at Devoutful's head.
Strengthful: "Now now. Don't forget that I need to get paid, and I bet my trigger finger is faster than any of your modes."
Pious: "You snake."
Strengthful: "I prefer the term "Intellectual." Now, pay up."
Pious walked up to Strengthful with the card in hand. Then, Ireful fell through the ceiling and in between the two.
Pious and Strengthful: "Ireful!"
Ireful: "Ah!
Pious quickly went into Attack Mode and focused on Strengthful's gun. The weapon released a small burst that caused Strengthful to drop it.
Strengthful: "You little..."
Ireful also used his Attack Mode and summoned Leful as a projectile from the battle outside. Leful hit Strength in the stomach and Ireful jumped in with a punch to the face. Pious ran past to help Devoutful to his feet.
Pious: "I got you."
Devoutful: "Thank...you."
Strengthful: "You ingrates. I paid a lot of money and you turn on me!"
Strengthful attempted to punch Ireful, but The Duo went into Defense Mode, glaring at him until he was petrified with fear. He ran while Leful and Ireful tried to pursue him until a large vortex removed the roof of the building. The wind-powered force pulled everyone out except Strengthful, who escaped just in time.
Ireful: "Not again!"
Pious, Devoutful, and The Duo fell into the swamp.
Venerable (While still in the air): "Ha! You two think you can escape me!"
Ireful: "You were the one who tossed me in there in the first place! So, it's your fault that his trap went south!"
Venerable: "I..eh...dur...Ah! Shut up!"
Venerable whipped up a strong gale from her frustration.
Pious: "W-Where's my protégé and Bearable?"
Leful: "Answer:..."
Leful pointed at a giant maelstrom in the sky, and Bearable and Protégé are trapped inside.
Pious: "We gotta get them out of there!"
Devoutful (On his knees): "I think I can help, but I am a bit beaten up from my torture."
Leful got Devoutful a Regenerative Aid to help heal some of his wounds and replenish some of his strength.
Devoutful: "Thank you. I feel a bit better."
Devoutful stood up while removing a shoelace from one of his shoes. He chanted some words at it, and it glowed with a blue light tinged with purple. The lace grew in length and spiraled around him.
Venerable: "I am not going to let you stop...!"
Devoutful ignored her as he whipped out his rope-like construct and ensnared Bearable and Protégé. He swiftly pulled them out of the vortex and back to the ground.
Bearable: "Thank you. You must be Devoutful."
Devoutful: "Indeed. Devoutful, Métier Modder of Devoutfulpasha, at your service."
To Be Continued
Devoutful's Boss Reference is Pharaoh Man (Mega Man 4)