Imagine if someone was born with a godlike ability, be it reality warping, mentifery, an absolute power etc, that blurs the boundary between reality and their mind, now imagine the person shortly after their born, their abilities were uncontrolled and happened randomly. Imagine what their life would be like, I think most likely it would be eternal but just imagine a being that barely knows about the world, its laws, concepts, principles, abstracts etc. imagine what that reality would be like and how would they grow up in it. I’m picturing a surreal, dream like reality, a reality where nothing much exists or that their entire life would feel like a dream.
@Necropolis00 @AzQth @Idolsama @Theblackestgod @Fallen221 @TheDevil7777 @Abdalla1234 @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Heartz13 @Keefdreewill @Neosaiyan7 @Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus @Atomicola48 @GoldenPizza17 @MarcosV2019 @Heartless Frost and anyone else.