63 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
97 Votes in Poll
135 Votes in Poll
It is only over a single duality, so you must choose which one you want to transcend.
What duality would you choose to transcend?
What would you do with this power?
Will someone explain how broken this ability is ?
Duality transcendence vs duality embodiment who will win
What's the difference between Duality Embodiment and Opposites Embodiment?
Existence is nothing without opposites. There are a great number of things that are opposites of each other like the elements water and fire, light and darkness, good and evil, night and day, etc. The God of Duality,Nigen,
Has granted you 2 non-blog/non-physiology powers that are the opposite of each other +5 other non-blog/non-physiology powers that are similar to them.
What are some things you would want to do with the powers in your possession? Try to lean towards the non-violent stuff if you will.
Would you put your powers on full view for the entire world to see? Why or why not & for what reason?
What would you do if your countries government decided to try and apprehend you to study your body?
Would you try to use your powers to benefit society in terms of medical, nature, etc?
You were transported to the realm of darkness from kingdom hearts against your will. For some unknown reason the second that you appear in the room a darkness your body’s normal appearance starts to change. You are forced to fight against 1000 Nigh Omnipotent Duality Monsters With 8 powers. Good news is you get to keep your powers once you’re done beating the monsters But power number 1 and number 2 have to be opposites in one way or another of each other, power number 3 and number 4 have to be opposites in one way or another of each other, power number 5 and number 6 have to be opposites in one way or another of each other, and power number 7 and number 8 have to be opposites in one way or another of each other . What do you look like now?What are your powers? Blogs and powers with the word potence or Almighty in their names are not allowed.
125 Votes in Poll
171 Votes in Poll
146 Votes in Poll