31 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
103 Votes in Poll
144 Votes in Poll
107 Votes in Poll
137 Votes in Poll
It's never the item that makes a man, but how he uses it, and these two fighters have the potential to do many great things and more. That's right, it's not only Mason vs Spectrum again, but a rematch. What exactly changes? Well, let's see the battle...
*In space, a grey stone is floating alone in the abyss, it glows, and all of a sudden it appears on Earth. It lands on an open field in the afternoon, the sky is orange and the clouds are a distinctive greyish blue. The stone glows once more, and suddenly a young man appears, looking at his surroundings and going down to pick up the stone. Before he could do anything, a black costumed figure with bright highlights floats down to him from the sky, the young man looks at him.*
"I feel like I know you..."
"Funny, I was gonna say the same."
*They introduce each other*
"My name is Mason, do you need my help?"
"I go by Spectrum, I'm a member of the Luminaries. I'm actually here for that..."
*Spectrum points to the stone Mason has on hand. Mason looks at it and nods.*
"I see...but before I say anything, I think you know what this means."
*Mason has a stance that looks like he's prepared for action. Spectrum sighs, but nods in response.*
"I do...I really do."
*Spectrum glows blue, and looks ready to fight, Mason nods in response.*
"Shall we?"
*Spectrum makes a beam of energy that swirls to Mason, but he uses the stone to redirect the energy to the side while looking at the costumed man. Spectrum talks to him, looking regretful.*
"Sorry it had to end this way kid."
*Spectrum decides to dash to him, but Mason jumps back and turns into a bird flying around the hero, until flying upwards. Spectrum looks confused sensing something familiar, but goes up to the bird and attempts to conjure a cage around him, but he turns back into human breaking the field on time.*
"How about this?"
*Mason summons blue fabric wrist bands that he uses to tether Spectrum and swing him in a circular fashion, until flinging him away to a large tree. Mason lands on the ground and summons eye contacts to look at Spectrum recovering. Spectrum gets up and produces a large fantasy looking sword made out of emotional light and attempts to hit Mason, but he retaliates by summoning a sword himself with electric properties.*
"A fan of FFVII huh?"
"How'd you?!"
*Spectrum parries Mason back and conjures a comedic looking hammer that attempts to strike him, but is blocked by a shield. Mason smiles and pushes the hammer construct back and throws the shield at Spectrum, caught off guard by how it didn't hurt but it forced him back. Mason get's the shield back to hand and prepares when Spectrum conjures four arms that strike at him attempting to break his defenses, but he fortunately blocks them all and dashes at Spectrum and bashes him with the shield, who now feels tremendous damage and is launched back several meters and hits a cliff formation causing a crater like crack. Mason walks to him.*
"I can do more than this, and so can you!"
*Spectrum glows orange and gets off the wall and charges at Mason full speed and manages to grab him. Mason smiles and summons boots on his feet and kicks Spectrum downwards, feeling as if he was hit with 100x gravity all at once, but Mason simply floats down and starts drawing his own emotional energy that he copied from Spectrum, which he notices.*
"Is that?..."
*Mason nods and then conjures a Chinese dragon that attacks Spectrum, who fights the dragon and flies high upwards. Mason watches and summons a silver ring on hand and produces more energy that makes the dragon construct grow and circling around Spectrum, then swallowing him hole and flying upwards, but a bright flash of red energy inside it causes the dragon to explode. Spectrum appears glowing red and shoots a large beam of energy at Mason. Mason summons a red cape and flies to Spectrum wearing a strange glove that absorbs the energy continuously, until he contacts Spectrum and grabs him off the planet. Both fighters are now in space, with Spectrum pushing Mason off and charges at him, striking him with several mighty blows that cause the planet's clouds to shift and turn with every punch. Mason continues getting struck but catches Spectrum's fist and punches back even harder, now hitting him to the Moon and causing it to shake with every strike. Mason then kicks Spectrum into the Moon, to the point that Spectrum pierces through it like a needle and just above the core so that it doesn't explode, but starts to crack slowly. Spectrum yells in anger*
*He starts to glow an even brighter red and charges innumerable energy bolts at Mason, but he counters by summoning an orange cape and creating portals surrounding him that the bolts go through and strike at Spectrum instead, causing an explosion of red energy that could be seen from Earth. Mason looks on, but sees that Spectrum is glowing green now and has a field around him.*
"Ready when you are!"
"You bet!"
*The two dash to each other at super speeds and clash, now moving across the solar system and striking at each other while the other planets feel the impact. They both keep fighting, until they both suddenly appear in front of the Sun itself and collide their fist's, causing the orange star to shoot its flames outwards from the shockwave, both Mason and Spectrum are caught but don't feel the heat as their attentions are on each other, continuing to clash until they both move out of the Milky Way galaxy. Spectrum draws power from the remnant and creates a truly gigantic construct that looks to continue growing in size, with Mason looking on and teleporting out of the Universe to see that Spectrum created a massive being larger than the universe they were fighting in earlier. Mason decides to wear both a purple cape and blue cape, and heals himself by eating a small fruit quickly and preparing for Spectrum's next move. The super massive construct then starts to punch at Mason several times, but he manages to evade all strikes while blasting magic bolts and restraining the constructs movements with telekinesis. The construct then creates a colossal drill even bigger than itself and points it to Mason's direction and charges at him. Mason looks worried, but summons a door lock that he uses to stop the construct and drill from attacking him. It's motionless, with Mason sighing in relief, and flies to Spectrum who is inside the construct. Spectrum sees Mason coming towards him fast.*
"He's still fighting!...That's impressive!"
*Spectrum decides to stop holding back and concentrates all his emotions into one, and glows a bright white color aura and disperses the colossal construct, with Mason looking on and noticing the sheer light emitting from where the construct once was, Spectrum is in his Unity State, appearing frighteningly calm despite glowing brighter than the universe itself. Spectrum looks at Mason, who has a shocked expression that turns into one of excitement.*
"I knew you had more in you!"
*Mason switches his blue cape with a black one, and starts to shoot massive bolts of dark magic the size of galaxies at Spectrum, who easily powers through with his light and attempts to strike Mason, who summons a bright object on hand and transforms, and catches Spectrum's fist easily, causing a shockwave that could be felt across the universe they were in 30x over, destroying the closest galaxies and celestial bodies from the universe's edges. Spectrum looks up to see that Mason now has also unleashed his full power, Unbound. They glare at each other in silence, but both smile in acknowledgement of the other's strength.*
*They both hold out their punches and clash once more, distorting the reality they're in just from that one punch, and continue their clashes of punches and kicks moving at incalculable speeds and affecting other realities and universes...multiverses...Megaverses...it continues to transcend, creating, reshaping, and destroying universes all at once. Both fighters continue clashing against each other, getting even faster and stronger in mere seconds, until one final clash. This single confrontation causes all around them to shift in various colors all at once, some that can't even be seen through human eyes, and the only ones in between are Mason and Spectrum. They're locked in place, trying to overpower and surpass the other, and while Spectrum appears to be drawing more energy from his own willpower to gain an advantage. Mason looks on and draws power from the grey stone itself, using a single well timed strike to hit Spectrum at greater power, a strike that surpassed all levels of their own creation, eviscerating Spectrum from contact, turning everything white...It dims down to reveal that all universes have been reset to normal. Back on Earth, it's night time on the same field that Mason was in, with Mason himself waking up and breathing from exhaustion, and looks at the stars in the sky.*
"Heh, not bad at all..."
*It's revealed that the stars are formed in a constellation of Spectrum, and Mason sits down to rest and looks at the sky to admire it a little longer.*
That concludes the rematch! Both fighters truly gave it their all, it just so happened that this spectrum was simply overshadowed by a brand new star!
The winner is Mason!
What did you think of these battles? Should I make more? Let me know what you all think so I can make more battles like these.
90 Votes in Poll
@DjalliLind @Xavtheking @K5S142 @Yagworm @GuidoMista7
It was the last day of intellect testing for the entire school and for that, in celebration the school administrators are going to have a party for everyone. It's the day of the party and everyone is waking up in their dorms, ready to get through school just for the gathering.
A while ago there was a huge conspiracy that in the future, no one would be able to feel anything but one emotion. Those predictions aren't completely off, in fact we're in a world to where emotions are embodied by everyday people. (I know this last line is overused in my rps but...) To harness the powers of their emotions, everyone who is a host gets to go to a school like environment to learn everything they need to.
Powers: NO OMNI< MEGA< ABSOLUTE<TRANSCENDENT<ETC (Just don't make them OP)
Theme Song:
Extra Info:
I've got plans for making a page for Empathic Force Manipultion, and I got some good users: The Emotional Spectrum and its derivatives.
But, I also like to search for more than one verse in order to be solid with the
page, to have more precedence more than just DC.
So I like to ask you if know some verse that would some equivalent?
EDIT: At this time I already got the page up and running, thanks for the help