Could you preform some of the dragon ball characters attacks with energy manipulation/generation?
43 Votes in Poll
43 Votes in Poll
Could you preform some of the dragon ball characters attacks with energy manipulation/generation?
Here it is guys and gals! You voted for it and now you got it, the very first 7 of these superhumans who attend AK Academy. A rag tag team of young adults who formed their own squad.
Subject 1: Time Walker
Real Name: Rip Wells
Color: Crimson Red
Traits: He's a comic book geek, pretty much worshiping the heroes he sees in comics and can be passionate about them and aims to become a hero....or at least he aimed to become one. However, while he cares about his friends, he can be short-tempered, often riled up by simple insults and picking fights with others. He can also be a sarcastic prick to his enemies.
(Time's Up!)= He can use time energy and channel it through either parts of his body or every inch of it at once. With this, he gains a boost in speed, strength and durability.
Additional Power-Ups:
1) Enhanced sense of smell(Pre-Historic Age)
2) Underwater Breathing (Atlantis)
3) Iron Skin (Middle Ages)
4) Berserker Mode (1920s)
Weaknesses: There's only a certain amount of time energy that Rip can safely utilize in battle. Should he go beyond his limit, his body will rapidly age and eventually fade into nothing. While his feral state helps, it also leaves him as nothing more than a mindless beast, leaving him open to a much more clever foe.
Weapon(s): He uses time bombs, which rapidly rusts the target upon physical contact, and can use the Chrono Staff to channel his time energy for long-range blasts.
Fun fact(s):
1) He's mainly inspired by Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia. In fact, he serves as a darker and more aggressive Deku.
2) He likes Pineapple Pizza.
Subject 2: Flash Port
Real name: Charles Porter
Color: Violet Blue
Traits: He's a calm and collected guy, keeping a clear mind even during the most dangerous situations. That's not to say he doesn't feel fear, but he knows that panic is a weakness. He's also intelligent, having tons of knowledge on subjects such as combat, tactics, business and even video games. He's loyal to his team and can be playful at times, doing a little harmless prank or two.
(Flash!)= He generates portals that instantly takes him to one place to another. The main flaw to that would be that he needs to be familiar with the location he's been to.
Weapon(s): Charles keeps a journal which he uses to write down all the locations he has teleported to before. He also uses an energy handgun called "Sharp Shot".
Fun facts:
1) He's named after Charlie Port, the first man to ever coin the term "teleportation".
Subject 3: Sunday
Real name: Zack Fryer
Color: Orange
Traits: Zach is a laid back and cheerful dude, having a positive outlook on life and often making jokes for his amusement. He also likes to read comics and will tell you their relevance along with showing off his talent in art. While most see him as something of a kid and a jokester, he has shown time and again that he CAN be clever, coming up with creative solutions to problems none of the others managed to solve. Yet...he can be dense, especially when reading the room(or not).
(Sun-Ergy)= This involves him generating solar energy from his body and using it to shoot sun beams and charging objects with it, usually to blow things up.
Weapon(s): In battle, Zach carries explosives called Sun Bombs all the time. With this, he charges them with solar energy and when they make contact with something, they explode.
Weaknesses: Zach can sometimes get distracted even during battle and has been shown to charge headfirst into attack, something that gets him stuck in a corner more times than not. Also, he can only fire off so much solar energy before getting tired and requiring rest.
Fun fact: He identifies himself as Michelangelo of the TMNT and loves to watch the shows, though he prefers the 2012 version.
Subject 4: Lady Luna
Real Name: Eva Fryer
Color: Purple
Traits: She's a quiet individual for the most part, usually preferring to read books and dive into supernatural and weird stuff(definitely NOT a satanist!), but she CAN be sassy if need to be and does show a caring side to her friends, often comforting her brother after particularly harsh cases of bullying and even playing with him on certain occasions. She can also be quite resourceful in many situations.
(Dark Moon)= She can create constructs made of lunar energy and it could be just about anything imaginable. However, she often prefers to make constructs of weird and creepy s** Cthulhu.
Weapon(s): Befitting her love for weird things, her main weapon is a staff called the "Staff of Souls" which she uses to focus her lunar energy through it. Kinda like how Willpower constructs come from a Green Lantern's power ring.
Weaknesses: While she can be resourceful, she doesn't exactly do well under pressure and it leads to her making erratic decisions at times. Also, her power-up requires sheer concentration in order to make it work.
Fun fact(s):
1) While she does love supernatural stuff, she DOES have a fondness for two fluffy teddy bears that her brother gave to her and would privately play with them sometimes. She would deny this if asked.
2) She also loves to watch the classic 2000s Teen Titans from Cartoon Network and her favorite character would be Raven. She prefers Teen Titans over TMNT and sometimes would argue with Zach about which show is better.
Subject 5: Wheels
Real Name: Lenora Jennings
Color: Grass Green
Traits: She's a very...eccentric case. Like, she's the type who would offer extreme solutions to simple problems? Got a scary spider in the house? Nuke it! Got a factory that needs to be shut down in order to protect the environment? Ram through every single one of them! Besides her eccentricity, she's also creative and very determined to do whatever she sets her mind into. However, she can be sensitive about her disability and should anybody make fun of her inability to walk...she'll deal with them in her own way...
(Wheelchair)= She can communicate and control any wheelchair within her vicinity.
Weapon(s): In battle, she can transform her personal wheelchair into a GODDAMN TANK! Armed with the big guns like laser cannons, rocket launchers, machine guns and if the rumors are true, a nuke. Nobody wants to know whether that's true or not. However, she will sometimes just whip out her shotgun so she can mow down large groups of enemies...while laughing.
Weaknesses: Due to an imperfection in her superhuman biology, Lenora lost the ability to walk so she's dependent on her wheelchair to move around. Should it be destroyed, she's a sitting duck. Also her power-up works if there's any wheelchairs around.
Fun fact(s):
1) Outside of class, she often runs a charity for not just people who can't walk, but also for those who struggle with other sorts of disabilities. She often scares the others with her ideas.
2) She's a fan of Sci-Fi novels such as the works of Jules Verne.
Subject 6: Cujo
Real name: Flufftoven
Color: Pink
Traits: Cujo presents himself as a friendly, loyal and happy-go-lucky dog to everybody he greets. However, while still loyal to his teammates, he can be quite hostile and won't hesitate to verbally tear into his enemies and he's sadistic as well, enjoying the pain he inflicts upon his targets, especially those who commit the most heinous of crimes.
He can also be egotistical, being so proud of himself and boasting about his accomplishments.
(All Bite)= Cujo can transform from a small bulldog into a huge brown monster dog which enhances his physical capabilities and allows him to bite into stone as well as unleash a supersonic bark loud enough to shatter eardrums and glass.
Weapon(s)/gear: He wears a high-tech collar which lets him speak human languages.
Weaknesses: Like any other dog, he can only take so much punishment before reverting into his regular form. He's also vulnerable to chocolate and his own ego can be used against him.
Fun fact(s):
1) Cujo's sensitive about his height and his real name, which many poke fun at. This causes him to growl and bark at others.
2) He's somehow gained more dames than any of his male superhuman peers...lucky bastard.
3) Out of all the voices he could've picked, Cujo mainly speaks and sounds like Sam Jackson.
Subject 7: Genre-Nator
Real name: Mary Perrault
Color: Brown
Traits: A kind and sensitive soul who at the same time can be a bit stubborn as coping mechanism. She's also pragmatic, looking at things realistically and shooting down a lot of Zack's more insane suggestions.
(Genre-nation)= The ability to use different powers based on the genre. With the action genre, Mary instantly becomes an expert in martial arts and acrobatics. With Crime drama, she gains intellect that matches that of Sherlock Holmes. In the horror genre, her face twists so much that it terrifies even the most emotionless of baddies.
Weapon(s)/Gear: Poppy Red headphones which allow her to hear noises from afar and visor which lets her see hidden details. She also carries a Megaphone capable of destroying machines.
Weaknesses: Without her action genre, she has little combat knowledge and can be easily defeated by quicker and more skilled fighters. Even with boosted intellect, her mind can be overloaded with too much info and there are few who resist the effects of her horror face.
She's also insecure about her own capabilities, often questioning whether she can accomplish her goals.
Fun fact(s):
1) She hopes to become a musician just like her mother some day.
2) Her own insecurities have led to her drinking alcohol for quite some time until her teammate Wheels helped her out of it.
That's pretty much all of the 7 Warriors so...what do ya think? Can you relate to any of them or do they get you pondering what they visually look like? Do YOU want to see more of these superhuman youngsters?
Got more of them just so you know.
Imagine if a wizard were to get their hands on a science book that explained the nuclear physics of fission and a few rods of uranium, what do you think would happen with that kind of potential energy and that kind of knowledge if applied with magic?
47 Votes in Poll
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Administrative Conference of the United States
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American Battle Monuments Commission
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Antitrust Division
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.
Board on Geographic Names
Bonneville Power Administration
Botanic Garden, U.S.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Bureau of Indian Affairs
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Census Bureau
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Central Intelligence Agency
Chemical Safety Board
Children's Bureau
Citizenship and Immigration Service
Coast Guard, U.S.
Commission of Fine Arts
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Congressional Budget Office
Congressional Research Service
Comptroller of the Currency
Corporation for National and Community Service
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, U.S.
Court of International Trade, U.S.
Customs and Border Protection
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
Defense Acquisition University
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Health Agency
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Library
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Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
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Department of Housing and Urban Development
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Department of State
Department of the Interior
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transportation
Department of Veterans Affairs
Director of National Intelligence
Drug Enforcement Administration
Economic Development Administration
Economic Research Service
Energy Information Administration, U.S.
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Environmental Protection Agency
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
European Command, U.S.
Export-Import Bank
Farm Credit Administration
Farm Service Agency
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Election Commission
Federal Emergency Management Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Federal Housing Finance Agency - Conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal National Mortgage Association (FannieMae)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Transit Administration
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.
Fleet Forces Command, U.S.
Fogarty International Center
Food and Drug Administration
Food and Nutrition Service
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Forest Service
General Services Administration Historic Preservation
Geological Survey, U.S.
Government Accountability Office
Government Publishing Office
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Holocaust Memorial Museum, U.S. Museum Timeline
House of Representatives, U.S.
House of Representatives/Office of the Clerk
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Indian Arts and Crafts Board
Indo-Pacific Command, U.S.
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Institute of Peace, U.S.
Internal Revenue Service
International Boundary and Water Commission
International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada
International Joint Commission - United States and Canada
International Trade Commission
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Legal Services Corporation
Library of Congress "The Library of Congress, 1800-1992"
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Marine Corps, U.S. Timeline only
Maritime Administration
Marshalls Service, U.S.
Military Academy, U.S.
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Minority Business Development Agency
Missile Defense Agency
Mississippi River Commission
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Agricultural Library
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National Archives and Records Administration
National Cancer Institute
National Capital Planning Commission
National Cemetery Administration
National Center for Health Statistics
National Constitution Center
National Council on Disability
National Credit Union Administration
National Endowment for Democracy
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Energy Technology Laboratory
National Eye Institute
National Gallery of Art
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
National Institute of Corrections
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institute of Nursing Research
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
National Labor Relations Board
National Library of Medicine
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Park Service
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
National Reconnaissance Office
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Science Foundation
National Security Agency
National Transportation Safety Board
National Wildlife Research Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Naval Academy, U.S.
Navy, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Office of Environmental Management
Office of Fair Housing
Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Postsecondary Education
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Office of Science (Dept. of Energy)
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
Office of the Pardon Attorney
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Offices of the U.S. Attorneys
Open World Leadership Center
Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council
Parole Commission
Patent and Trademark Office
Peace Corps
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
Postal Inspection Service
National Postal Museum exhibit
Postal Service, U.S. Universal Postal Service - A History
President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition
Presidio Trust
Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Public Health Service
Radio Free Asia
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty
Railroad Retirement Board
Risk Management Agency (USDA)
Sandia National Laboratories
Savannah River National Laboratory
Secret Service
Securities and Exchange Commission
Selective Service System
Senate, U.S.
Sentencing Commission, U.S.
Small Business Administration
Smithsonian Institution
SNAP Program (USDA)
Social Security Administration
Southern Command, U.S.
State Justice Institute
Strategic Command, U.S.
Supreme Court, U.S
Tennessee Valley Authority
Transportation Security Administration
Udall Foundation
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Voice of America
Wage and Hour Division
Western Area Power Administration
White House
Women’s Bureau
91 Votes in Poll
1. You can create any inanimate object from nothing as long as you understand how it works. This can range from simple things (knives, baseball bat, chains) to complex (guns, bullets, tech). The object you create can be of any material. But, the material has to exist within our reality, that you are aware of. If you create something that has inner mechanisms but don't know how they work, the object will either be hollow or completely solid.
2. You can create any form of energy from nothing as long as you understand how it works. This can range from "simple" energy (heat, cold,) to complex energy (nuclear, gravitational,). As a bonus, you won't be affected by any negative side effects of creating said energy. But, the energy you create has to exist within our reality, you have limited manipulation of the energy (mainly projecting or infusing), if you get enough skill you could alter the properties of the energy within reason (create electricity with a positive or negative charge)
You don't need to know the molecular structure or anything like that. Just a clear image and how it works. If you're still confused, just ask and I'll explain it better
131 Votes in Poll
43 Votes in Poll